
Your Replies

  • October 24, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    It was a neurologist who I saw. I am going to make an appt with my regular doctor and show him the paperwork, tell him what happened, and see what we can do.

    Lately I have almost been passing out when I stand up after lying down. Enough to where I have to hold onto the wall, put my forehead against it and wait till things stop being black and sparkly. Haven’t hit the ground yet, and fortunately we don’t have very many objects in the house that I could hit first if I did pass out. Why would this suddenly start happening more often than not? Today I am putting up with stomach issues. Anything i eat makes it hurt. I have been sticking to greek yogurt and honey or toast and honey and soy milk because I don’t have any problems with that. ugh.

    I didn’t go to PT, used daily activities as PT and still do. Although I am sure the two are very different. I can ask my dr about a work evaluation thru a PT if they do that and will do that. What a lot of doctors and people who have never been thru this do not understand is how much it varies from hour to hour and day to day. I read one informational bit that a person should be tested the day or two AFTER the evaluation to see the difference in performance and to prove the fatigue and effects such things have on us.

    Anyhow, looks like a long road ahead.

    October 23, 2010 at 7:13 pm

    lovely got the paperwork back that the neuro filled out. I was right, he filled out most of it without even testing or asking me about such limitations as how much I can lift, carry, or whatever. Even said I do not require a companion when I go somewhere when I distinctly told him that I rarely ever leave the house alone. I don’t feel safe alone and have to have help at the store when I shop. So the paperwork is not in my favor, LOL not even filled out properly because he stated he was unable to test because of lack of facilities or equipment. I told him about the sitting and standing thing and he stated in the paperwork that there was no issues with that at all. “no neuro impairment” he said on most everything.
    I have been writing my own rebuttal but am afraid it sounds pathetic and as if I would be better off putting a bullet in my head. Trying to stand up for yourself or make someone understand who has never been through any of this is next to impossible! What do you do? Keep fighting? Keep pushing? Or roll over and give up because that is what they expect you to do? My ears are ringing I am so upset. The patches of numbness are flared up and my nerves are dancing. UGH!

    so what do I do now? Take the paperwork in and know I will be denied and have to appeal again? Does that reset my hearing time since this paperwork was supposed to be the ‘approval or denial’ without a hearing thing.

    October 18, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    You nailed it Boomer! Well said!

    October 18, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Have you by any chance been ill recently? under more stress than usual? Work out and push yourself? It could be residuals and nothing to worry about, just annoying and uncomfortable (those heat patches work fairly well. I used them when I first got sick and my back hurt). BUT if you are at all concerned, do not hesitate to be seen. You are only 5 months past onset so it is very early in your progress. Anything is possible. I have been in your spot, heck even after 4 years I still get those fearful twinges when something pops up that is all too familiar from the beginning. Remember, a reoccurrance can move quickly so if anything else comes up get in fast! If you can, take some time to just rest rest rest and see if that helps, if not I would make an appointment just to ease my mind.


    October 18, 2010 at 11:13 am

    Chrissy check your PM’s ๐Ÿ™‚

    October 14, 2010 at 4:00 pm

    drs are a strange bunch. I actually had this neuro explain to me that he did not do administrative work and fill out paper work for people. I explained that the paperwork required by SSI had to be filled out by him because he is the specialist, showed it to him and he seemed put out it was true. I apologized for it being a pain, but it was necessary. We went thru the can you feel this/that, does this feel different than that, walk for me, stand with your eyes closed (hahahaha almost fell), stand on your heels (fell backwards against the table), walk on your heels I could not and told him if I can not stand on them how do you expect me to be able to walk on them? Then on my toes, slowly got sort of up on them and he wanted me to walk….again I tried to take a step and my feet collapsed. Told him I am unable to do so, he had me hold onto the counter and wanted me to jog in place on my toes?! WTH?! I could barely walk in place, and told him there was no way I was able to jog on my toes as he could see I could barely walk in place holding onto something. Explained the depression, the pain, body wide tingling, spots and patches of numbness, digestive issues, urinary issues, blurry vision that comes and goes, nausea and stomach pain, heart palpitations even at rest, he could obviously see how crappy my writing is, he did note weakness when I tried squeezing some tool (actually was shaking trying to squeeze it), diminished reflexes in my left ankle, almost over reactive ones now in my knees and other ankle (they were hard to find before). Told him a gallon of milk is heavy to me. tried to get it thru to him and his “lets hurry up and get her out of here” attitude (knew he was to the point before I went in but sheesh) that it was more than the fatigue SSI was saying was not disabling, it was the pain, the weakness, the not knowing what will knock me on my butt for several days. He did note that I have trouble with stairs and usually make a choice for the day or most of it which floor I will stay on. I try to use them as “exercise” if I can, but there are days I make sure I have what I need and stay either up or down so I don’t have to worry with them.

    Anyhow, I have no idea if he will lean in my favor and fill out the paperwork for approval or not. I am hoping he puts it all together and sees that there actually is a real problem. If not, I will look for another attorney and attend the hearing after insisting on a complete battery of tests to further prove what I got going on. There were questions in the packet I don’t know if he can properly fill out without asking me or having a “mental eval” done. Like how well do I get along with people in authority, or coworkers. I can tell you I prefer to be alone, I am easily overwhelmed and sometimes very easily irritated…all of which can come across as being a B****. I don’t always play well with others, hard to when you hurt or are over stimulated.

    I am going to put on my cozies and go take a break. Ugh dishes to do….put em off yesterday, can’t do it again. Wonder how much I could bribe the kids with to do them??

    I’ll keep you up to date on things if I hear anything.


    October 14, 2010 at 3:18 am

    dang it I was hoping you would get it! They don’t care about the fatigue part of things, I tried emphasizing that and they didn’t seem to understand even though I explained if I go to the store, that is ALL I do for the day because it wears me out. If I clean the house, that is ALL I do for the day because it wears me out. Tried explaining I only have so much energy to use each day and that it varies day to day, if i over do something I am in bed for several days. They wrote back and said since I can sit (which I can not sit very long in one position….I change positions into some odd ones that even a Yogi master would not attempt….and if i sit too long I am down for several days in pain), I can use my arms, even if they tire easily and I can barely lift a gallon of milk let alone the “20 to 50 pounds” most employers expect. I can walk and they said that since i can walk I am okay. WTH? I am praying that tomorrows appt with the neuro goes my way with all of this because lawyers read this type of stuff and won’t touch you because there is nothing in it for them. They see it as a lost cause. I wish you luck and hope like heck you are approved. Hugs and I am sorry to hear the latest news ๐Ÿ™

    October 11, 2010 at 12:22 am

    I am very worried about what lies ahead.

    Right now we are one state medicaid and were just informed almost all of our dentists are being dropped from the program. Not sure who we will be able to see as of the 1st and there is a run on visits right now. And this is just the beginning.


    October 10, 2010 at 6:53 am

    interesting article. I happen to know a couple of people who have fallen for the Low T thing and have become extremely difficult to live with. They are miserable and so are their families. Not sure if this would have the same effect.

    Also, I know, as a woman, that female hormones (and almost every damn hormone) plays a large role in the flare up of residuals and misery. I wrote to dr. Parry about this and he confirmed my suspicions that hormones do indeed have a negative affect on our symptoms. Why would testosterone actually help? Don’t mean to sound negative and am definitely one to try just about anything (well maybe not this considering my sex and I really hate shaving my legs), but my post is more out of curiosity.

    I sure hope this helps someone. I also know that taking colostrum and other supplements during my active phase helped. Stopped the colostrum because of the growth factor in it that could cause cancer cells to feed and grow. As if I needed that on top of everything else.

    The Low T thing I am sure has a ton to do with all the estrogen in our foods (soy), chemicals we use, and the air we breathe. We are slowly but surely changing our males into effeminate beings and raising cancer rates in women dramatically. Just a thought.

    Will be keeping an eye on this in hopes that is shows promise ๐Ÿ™‚

    October 10, 2010 at 4:18 am

    I’ll have some hot tea with you and enjoy the leaves. It is cooling off here in Idaho, leaves are changing, there is a bite in the night air, the sunsets are amazing because of the clouds in the distance (the weather seems to move around us here in the valley), I am still enjoying dandelions and my California Poppies have gone wild! My dandelions are odd ones, I will have them thru the winter, I think the Universe knows I love to see those spots of yellow struggling to peek through the white snow. It teaches me to remain strong every time I see one.
    This is from last winter:

    I love the changing of the seasons even though it marks the definite passage of time, making it all the more obvious that the days are passing and so is life as it always seems to do no matter what. I adore the winter and am hoping for lots of snow this year because it makes me happy just to watch it gracefully float to the ground in the mesmerizing way snow does. I like to stand in it with my face to the sky and feel the flakes on my face, melting in my hair, and listening to the absolute silence around me. When snow falls, the world seems to quiet in awe and wonder. This silence and feeling the snow fall is a wonderful experience.

    Autumn though is another story, the crunch of leaves under foot, the bright colors against crisp skies and white clouds, watching leaves drift from their respective spots on their trees. Listening to the wind sing as it blows through the trees against the dying leaves singing a sonnet of another season passing, whispering promises of things to come and memories of the past year. Harvest time, the coats on animals thickening and filling in, raindrops heavy and loud as they dance on the windows and rooftops.

    Yes, I think I will sit with you for a while and we can enjoy these things together if only in photos and words. Cheers my friend, and hugs too.


    October 9, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    good to see you back! Sounds like you are staying way too busy, I really hope you can work something out with the boss because too much could set you back a few steps. I commend your drive and determination, makes me feel like a wimp!

    I wish you great luck in your continued recovery and strides. Hope you are able to make it to the symposium. One of these years I hope to make it there myself.


    October 8, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    I remembered something that sent ice through my veins today. For a few months (not exactly sure how long exactly) before I actually got hit with GBS and went to the hospital, I was having weakness in my arms. I remember finding it difficult to dry my hair (I don’t have long hair) and would have to rest often during the process because it seemed too much to hold them up and the dryer and brush seemed so heavy. I don’t recall any leg trouble except that at one point I do remember having trouble running and just figured I was “too old” to be chasing the kids around. I don’t know why I had not thought about this until showering today, then I was hit with the memory of that hair dryer being so heavy and realized it was BEFORE July 06 and my hospital/tests and downhill slide. Is this important information the doctor should know?? Like i said it really freaked me out to have that memory hit me.


    October 8, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    oh man wish I was, I’d join you!

    Maybe we could use your thread to see if we have anyone that lives near any of us that we can meet up with on occasion?

    October 4, 2010 at 5:17 pm

    I am no longer being handled by a lawyer because according to my current medical files (not once did he ask ME personally for any info) he said I didn’t have a case and he would not be representing me. He was legal aid and handles immigration matters as well as SS issues. No prob, because right after he dropped me is when I got the paperwork saying I may be able to get approved without a hearing with the right boxes checked and the proper signatures proving the right things.

    I just got a call this morning and will be seeing a new neuro on the 14th in the morning. I was warned he is straight forward and to the point and doesnt hold anything back…I assume this means he has bad bedside manners? I mean I don’t want things sugar coated, but I do want someone to listen and hear me when I tell them what I am dealing with. Also people, strangers mainly, like that make me extremely nervous.

    Now my question is, should I ask for the autonomic tests?

    What else should I ask about? I don’t want anything left out.

    thank you for the prayers and the info.


    October 2, 2010 at 12:08 am

    Saw my dr today to ask him where to go from here. After hearing what I deal with, he wants me in to see a neuro for this. A specialist would be the best route to go and to see about the continuing problems. He said is is very difficult to get a neuro to accept medicaid but he has a friend that he can call in a favor to because he feels this is important. He said that it will more than likely be more than one visit and lots of tests so be prepared….also be prepared for a bit of a wait. I will let SSI know of the upcoming appts so they don’t forget my case or lose me in the cracks we all know exist. Dr did agree from what I was telling him that something is going on…and yes admitted there were things I blew off and didn’t want to bother the other doc with because they seemed minor at the time. He told me to make a list, a long one, of everything I deal with and go through, talk openly and totally honestly with the neuro, and there is a good chance it will get pushed thru. This neuro will over ride everything else in the records and his word will be the final say so SSI will have to agree no questions asked. I will be asking about every test possible even if it means another MRI or Spinal (both of which scare me), plus an autonomic series if he will agree to it based on the heart palpitations, blood pressure oddities (today it was 118 over 64. Other times the lower number will be high and the top number lower), bowel and urination issues (totally embarrassing but true and important to note), stomach issues, and hubby woke me up last night because I was having trouble breathing. Snoring but more than that, usually if I do snore he pokes me and I turn over, but this was enough to wake me up about. Anyhow yea, lots of things including pain (got info on that and how long it can last), the fatigue we deal with and what makes it worse when it can hit etc., and some other things to pad my case file.

    Now it is a waiting game. Yes I pray it doesnt turn out to be a chronic form of recurring GBS that seems to happen every 4 weeks. Read about it in our “laymans” manual. Scary thing is, guess what? I seem to have a [I]serious[/I] flare up about every 4 weeks and mini ones in between, or should I say ongoing pain and stuff. Wouldn’t that be a hoot. Oh also going to make an eye appt because ever since getting ill, I have had bouts of blurry vision. Sometimes it will last a day or two, others a short time. The doctor I am able to see happens to have a special machine that he can get a good look at the optic nerve to see if there is any damage.

    My doc said I definitely have “problems” with depression and other things relating to this and made notes accordingly. I think he was trying to politely say I should see a shrink about this. I guess I should, might help me move forward and let go of somethings.

    I shall leave no stone unturned because this will add to our plethora of information here on the site. I am going to fight this till there is no fight left.

    Thank you all for your support and info. It is all so greatly appreciated!! I hope to return the favor with things I find out and learn. OOoooo and since my attorney/legal aid dumped me, I don’t have to share the 25% if I get approved. THAT would be a serious God Send!!!!
