
Your Replies

  • July 29, 2006 at 5:06 pm

    Hi Pianowoman

    oh trust me, I have been praying a lot. I rarely ever ask for anything on my behalf. My prayers are almost always for other people…I say almost always because I do occassionally ask for help for my family or myself. I have asked Him for strength, to make it go away, for answers…everything short of a miracle. Not sure how He feels about begging, but it has come to that. I wish I could scream from a mountain and have someone reach out and say “I can help make it better, here is the miracle you are seeking”. That is so silly, feels selfish when there are others worse off than I am. It also feels awkward because I am not someone any more special than the next person so what makes me think I deserve that miracle more than you or someone else. I want to share it, make everyone here and elsewhere better. How do I do that? How can I beg and plead for my own help and not want to help others? I feel so lost.

    July 29, 2006 at 3:29 pm

    Im here…I have to post some questions and concerns.

    Okay all of the test came back normal…no MS, no GBS, no nothing. The neurologist has blown me off, saying i need to seek help for anxiety. I am not nuts. I AM however dealing with what seems like anxiety attacks, I am scared, feel helpless, and now i feel as if maybe I am nuts. I dont want to feel this way anymore. I want to be me again. I have made numerous phone calls to a university neuro clinic (called the other neuro back to have a referral from him…since he has blown me off he doesnt seem to be too concerned with moving too quickly), a mental health help line (got a number for a doctor…cant call till next week), urgent care, etc. I dont know what to do. My fiancee says to try and get thru the weekend and go from there. I dont feel I can. I want to (still) cry until I have nothing left to cry. I feel so helpless.

    Today this is what I am feeling…I am still tingly in my legs and arms. It’s progressed over the span of about 3 weeks (almost 4 now that I can recall actually “feeling” something wasnt right), I feel weak (like it takes too much effort to bother scratching my nose. I can move, it just feels as if my body wont cooperate if I try. Does that make sense??), I can feel when someone or something touches me but I dont think I WILL feel it (make sense??). I have tiny twitches in my fingers and toes (occassionally), but no pain now. I was in pain last week but that has stopped. I feel as if I am on the verge of a breakdown over all of this. I am VERY VERY scared, want it to be better NOW, and am close to the end of my rope.

    NOW I would like to know if anyone has experienced this seeming worse on one side than the other…but still having both sides affected…and then seems to switch to the other side. Some moments worse than others? Anyone experience the progression of tingling and weakness but nothing else? How long is the progression…I have read it peaks at about 3-4 weeks and the wekaness you feel and your other experiences will not get worse and recovery is slow. How insistent do I have to be before I am taken seriously?? How do I get someone to listen to me?

    I have three kids to worry about, I am mostly thinking about them. They are worried…I dont lie to them or keep them in the dark, I feel they need to know what is going on to an extent that they can handle. My fiance feels helpless.

    July 25, 2006 at 7:45 pm

    Thank you for all the support. I am in pain today….feels like something is hitting a chisel against my bare ankle bone, my right knee is having shooting pains, some of my toes feel like something is stabbing deep into the joints…anyone else experience joint pain?? and I feel weak, to the point where I have to watch my feet to make sure they are really going where I think they are. I just want to cry and never stop. Honestly feel there is no where to turn and no one that wants to hear about it anymore. I havent heard from the hospital about any other test results for myself…still not sure about any of the blood work they did. On a better note, physically I am feeling a bit better than before if that is possible considering the wierd pains, but at least I can feel something different.

    July 24, 2006 at 9:35 pm

    thanks Alison

    I am so depressed right now I dont even want to consider another tap. Even with the morphine they gave me it was hell. I dont know where else to turn. Things seem to be getting better….after 3 weeks I should hope so. What if it was a wierd virus that didnt show up on anything?? Guess I am grasping at straws. I am still thinking we all know what was going on, but with no where else to turn I dont know what to do.

    July 24, 2006 at 6:49 pm

    hi all

    spent two nights in the hospital…went in because I started having a panic attack over the whole thing and the affect on my breathing scared the tar out of me. Then i calmed down and wasnt going to go…knowing I had to go at some point anyhow.

    Well I was admitted . My CTscan was perfect. The ordered an MRI which was also perfect….the neurologist was very concerned about MS…the spinal tap was negative for protein, so no GBS he said. All my bloodwork from what I know was all fine as well. my heart scan, carotid artery scan…everything normal and healthy. I am still weak and still tingling…not quite as buzzy, and the wierd pains are at a minimum (had burning poker sensations in my feet, heels and ankles. Piercing ice pick sensations in my heels, tearing sensations from my achilles tendons along the sides of my feet, hot coal sensations on my toes, and what felt like muscle cramps but werent in my feet and legs and arms. When I would try to sleep my whole body jerked and spasmed, like when you fall into a deep sleep and ya jump or jerk, but this was my arms, legs, feet even my back and stomach.) Oh and did I mention it often felt like something was stabbing my ankle bones?? The physical therapist wanted to eval me and made me walk. GAWD I felt like a doofus. I knew my legs were moving but I had to watch my feet to make sure they were going where I wanted them to. She told me not to do that. If was a little difficult to walk a straight line thats for sure, I would have failed a sobriety test for sure. Climb steps?!?! Are you nuts?! I did it, slowly. Stand on my tip toes? nope. my muscles felt weak and it didnt feel like they would cooperate anyhow even tho I wanted them to. In bed I was even afraid at times to even attempt to move my feet or legs because I didnt think they would respond. How wierd is that?! The did move, I jsut didnt think they would even though Iwanted them too. Hard to explain I guess.

    I can feel. touch me. poke me (they did). I can feel it. It felt a little delayed but I felt it anyhow. It is more of an inside feeling. Sometimes the “numbness” feels tight as if my lower legs and feet are really swollen. Even my knees felt like they were on backwards. My hands are weak, not sure I could squeeze a stress ball if my life depended on it. I keep having small muscle spasms in my legs and when I walk my balance is a bit off. Guess that is due to the weakness….feels as if I have totally over exerted myself like working out way beyond my ability.

    The good news is…I am feeling a bit better. More weak than anything. Very tired. exhausted really. The tingling stopped right about my knees and below my elbows and was mainly in my pinkie fingers and palm near my wrists. My head still feels empty, like i am getting over a bad flu bug or a long sleep deprivation (or too much sleep). So, the dr told me to find a good dr and some anxiety help. o.0 So now what? Oh and in the hospital I kept sweating…buckets and buckets, like when a fever breaks. WHICH IS WHEN I STARTED FEELING LESS PAIN AND LESS BUZZING!!!! I dont know. now what? is it all in my head? Am I truly nuts? Let me tell you that really hit me hard, I am now feeling the beginnings of a depression that wont be any fun.

    My sister called me while i was still in there and mentioned that awhile back she too experienced the same damn thing! Our symptoms were not completely identical but similar and the same in a lot of ways. All her tests were also negative. she still experiences periods of tingling and numbness and pain, but blows it off since the tests were all negative. She calls us the psycho twins. Nice huh? I dont like that. I did mention her episode to the dr but he was not in the least concerned or impressed. Apparently thinking we were just a family of fruitcakes.

    *sigh* I am off to have an emotional moment. thank you for your support. And your encouragement to see someone.


    July 21, 2006 at 10:26 pm

    I live in southern CA…San Diego. Does not having medical insurance risk being turned away for help? And is two+ weeks too long for a positive outcome?? Was a bit worried, now i am starting to freak out.