
Your Replies

  • October 16, 2006 at 8:48 am

    That is exactly what happened to me Limecat…I could barely walk, couldnt stand on my tiptoes, had no strength in my feet or hands and even had a loss of reflexes in my left foot and my wrists (dang it hurts when they whack you multiple times!). And I was sent home with a Dx of serious anxiety problems. I was sent home to suffer alone. There were times when I felt I couldnt take a deep breath or swallow properly, and thought I would not wake up the next morning…begging my hubby to stay up late and keep an eye on me…I was so scared! The overwhelming fear alone was almost unbearable…the nights I woke up to go sit outside in the dark and cry and pray, the anxiety attacks it caused, and the incredible sense of being alone. If i didnt have anxiety problems before i certainly did after I went home! I forced myself to “get thru it”, forced myself to function when I didnt feel I could, forced myself to move my legs and feet even though I didnt know for sure if I really could, forced myself to stand at the sink and do dishes and fix dinner for my family. And then crying after reading about the many people here that have been misdiagnosed, treated poorly, and everything everyone has gone thru regardless of Dx and the time it took.

    Doctors need to know more about this! And they need to know REAL experiences! Not just a book telling them a basic outline of what it is. They need to know about false negatives, pain, fatigue, emotional support, and bedside manners!!

    October 15, 2006 at 10:56 pm


    I take multivitamins as well…and have added Alpha-lipoic acid but only one 100mg a day. Higher doses that are being tried for neuropathy can lead to very low blood sugar and heart palpitations. I also read that protein is supposed to help as well as the omega fatty acids…also read about adding lysine and other amino acids. One day I will take just the multivitamin, the next I will take the super b complex. I have also added Silk Soy milk in Very Vanilla for Kids because it has high protein and omega stuff (and it tastes really good). I dont drink a lot of this because i am still wierd about too much soy in my diet and we get so much of it in everything we eat these days.

    Anyone else have a “plan” that has helped them? I am looking for info too and I am sure others could benefit from this. All natural ideas are great!


    October 12, 2006 at 3:23 pm

    I am in tears too. I am glad I was able to give you information you have been searching for, but I am so sorry it has upset you as well. *hugging Nat*

    Judi, I too want to somehow inform the medical community about GBS! There are so many people who are misdiagnosed, misunderstood, mistreated and suffer long term problems because of unfeeling ,undereducated and misinformed doctors. I know GBS isnt the only problem they “dont know enough about” but by informing them of this it could open their eyes to other problems that are “rare”. Maybe we could somehow combine forces and get this information in front of them? I love doing research!

    I feel for everyone here and those who have not found this forum yet. The fear we endure, the pain, the frustration. This has consumed a large part of my life since July and mine was mild! I can not imagine how all consuming it is for those of ou who have had severe cases! My heart and prayers are still with each of you.

    October 12, 2006 at 3:14 pm

    My face was numb, my neck was numb, my tongue and mouth were tingly, even my throat was numb and tingly. I lost my appetite as well. I still deal with my neck getting tight, my face going numb from my jawline up to my cheeks, and sometimes it still feels as if my digestive system isnt working the way it should (I describe it as it feeling numb). So as ya can see from the posts so far, this is a very peculiar syndrome and can effect everyone who has it differently (but also similarily). Any chance that ya had really bad headaches before the actual numbness and tingling started? I still get these awful headaches that start at the base of my skull and wrap up and around my ears to my forehead. They are not very often now but I can always tell when they will get bad by the wierd pain that starts in my neck.

    One night recently I had overdone things during the day and had a bizarre “Humming” feeling in a band across my foot! It felt like a sci fi beacon pulse (I know that sounds wierd) and I jumped up thinking I had something under my foot! Nothing was there. It would “hum” a few times then stop, then a few minutes later it would start up again. I havent had it happen since, but it was most bizarre.

    October 12, 2006 at 9:39 am

    My right side was affected more than my left. My right leg hurt and was so weak. I had a limp for several weeks after onset. My right arm was also very weak. But, I also noticed that it seemed to “switch”. One day my right side would be worse than the left, the next it seemed my left side was worse. I know I had more pain in my left leg and foot, but more pain in my right arm. If i overdo things, the pain is awful on both sides now, but the right leg and foot are definitely worse than the left with weakness.

    I honestly thought this was wierd until I read the stories here. The textbook stuff is supposed to be used as guidelines only. Doctors forget that.

    [COLOR=”Purple”]”Parry, 1993, emphasises that all criteria are simply guidelines which a neurologist can use as a base to diagnose Guillain-Barré Syndrome, rather than a definitive standard.”[/COLOR]

    this is from this website…Im sure a lot of you ahve seen it, but it is interesting nonetheless…

    October 11, 2006 at 11:47 pm

    I am about 12 weeks now and yes muscle spasms do happen. Our nerves are misfiring nad telling our muscles to do things. I have a lot of feelings that my muscles will cramp up into a charlie horse but it never happens. Its a bizarre feeling to be “right on the verge” of a cramp and then nothing. OR I feel I have to stretch my legs and feet often and cant figure out why.

    Have you had a tight feeling? or that “twitching” as you are falling alseep? Some nights, depending on how tired I am, my whole body will jump and scare the heck out of me. I have had it before over hte years but now it happens more often.

    Welcome and good wishes to you and your recovery. Did you have a mild case? Or were you hit hard?


    October 10, 2006 at 7:56 pm

    Welcome! You have found shelter 🙂

    It is so difficult asking for help. I cried when I had to ask for help with household chores…and even picking items off the grocery shelf and put it in the cart, opening jars even. I have always been a bit stubborn and felt I had to do it all myself or I was “weak”. Only a few weeks ago I was crying while doing dishes when it was too hard for me to scrub off some stuck on leftovers. I am healing…daily. We all are. It is scary, humiliating at times, very humbling. You are not alone, and you have plenty of friends here. Do not overdo anything, you will regret it tomorrow because your body will rebel and MAKE you rest. Little by little, and plenty of positive thinking and sheer will (plus medical help) will get you back on your bike and out mowing your own lawn 🙂

    Know you are with friends now!

    October 9, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    I had problems with CTS for years. Not only in my hands and wrists but also my forearms. I know it is very rare to have this double whammy but from the symptoms and all I have heard and read about it, this is what I deal with. But never enough of a problem to even consider surgery. It was worse when I was pregnant with my kids, and would wake me up sometimes depending on my sleeping position (I’m a side or stomach sleeper and that makes it worse). Since July of this year it is awful sometimes. At night i get no relief, stress makes it worse, and sometimes my hands become weak. Some nights even if I sleep on my back with my arms across my body I will wake up with some pain and “sleepiness”.

    I have also learned that we know ourselves better than our dr’s and sometimes we need to be less intimidated and stick up for ourselves and our treatment. I hope you continue to recover and that things get much much better for you.

    Peace and hugs

    September 16, 2006 at 12:06 pm

    That is great news Murat! I am so happy to hear Ege is doing much better. Thank you for keeping us informed!


    September 16, 2006 at 12:02 pm

    I am dreading the next week. Since my GBS symptoms started, I experience awful residuals for a week. Its as if I am going thru everything day by day instead of how it was originally…week by week. Now I am only going on what I experienced last month, maybe this month will be better. But it is very scary to have symptoms that started this whole thing. I get panicky and of course that stress adds to residuals freaking out.
    Also, around that time of the month I get very warm. My hubby loves snuggling with me on cold nights because we dont need an extra blanket LOL! I am only 36 but I have noticed for hte past couple of years my periods are shorter and not so heavy. Warm flashes around that time, and very emotional. I didnt suffer from PMS until I had my 3rd child and turned 30. My mom had a total hysterectomy at a young age so I get to turn to my sister for advice. I do beleive that women are going thru the change much earlier than before. It may be due to all the soy in our foods, it may be do to normal “evolution”….more people, more people having less children, we dont need to reproduce like our great grandparents did. I dunno, just a theory. I did talk to a genetist (sp) a while back and he comfirmed that girls starting development earlier, boys being effeminant, are directly linked to all the plant estrogens in our food and our environment. Soy can be helpful, but the amount is a huge deal. In Asia they consume much less than we do, hence the health benefits. Too much of a good thing and all that.


    September 15, 2006 at 3:47 pm

    Oh Sonja I am sorry to hear about the break up. What a blow after all you have been thru. *Hugs*

    September 14, 2006 at 5:46 pm

    I went thru the not eating thing myself. Nothing interested me and if I did manage to eat something it seemed as if my digestive system went into spaz mode. Honestly it felt as if I was numb inside from my stomach down. I countered it (had to get something into me because i was losing too much weight too fast) with nutritional drinks (slim fast, ensure type stuff) and silk soy milk for kids in very vanilla and lots of water. His appetite will come back, it just seems to take forever.

    September 14, 2006 at 5:40 pm

    I’m only 8-9 weeks into/thru this but the past three days have been particularly nice. When I feel this good I do also forget what I have been going thru. As soon as i get to thinking it will all be okay very soon, the pain reminds me I cant overdo things just yet. One huge thing I wish I could let go of is hte fear I went thru. If I get a headache or a new feeling I have to try very hard not to allow myself to panic.

    September 12, 2006 at 8:08 pm

    Thank you for posting. Each story I read gives me more insight into GBS and how it can affect people so differently yet so similarily. Everyone who has posted has been a huge help, I have learned new things and have also been surprised to read about something I have experienced but thought it was not related….and found it is!


    September 10, 2006 at 11:28 am

    You dont know how good it is to hear another woman say her residuals are worse around that time. I thought I was going nuts. But for a week I felt awful and then it was much better. Not sure I am looking forward to this month thats for sure.