GaryO Houston

Your Replies

  • September 19, 2008 at 2:06 pm

    JayDee, I’m an Astro’s fan. I didn’t quite see the no hitter in the same light ๐Ÿ˜‰ , but I’m thrilled for the foul ball. Thanks for sharing the story.

    Jan’83, I am honored to be called your friend :o. Rest well my friend and may God ease your pain and heal you.


    September 18, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    Stacy, May God bless you. I prayed for you (strength & encouragement), your neuro (wisdom & skills). Gotta run to a meeting. Please give us an update.


    September 18, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Linda, know that you have prayer cover both while you’re waiting for it and during the surgery. Love and hugs are coming your way cyberly as well. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    September 18, 2008 at 10:31 am


    Thank you all for your prayers. Wendy and I give thanks and praise to God as we survived Ike well. Our home was spared and sustained no damage, but we are still without electrical power.

    Thanks for the recommendations for Cincy. My mouth is watering for the BBQ and pickles.

    If you like steaks I recommend Taste of Texas for Houston. It is located on the south side of I-10 just inside Beltway 8. The steaks are aged and melt in your mouth and the salad bar is superb. My favorite is their onion soup. We ate there last night. I had heard that the restaurant had prepared and delivered 250 meals for the emergency responders at one location. The menu is a little pricy and usually they are packed, so plan for a wait. THey do have free tea, popcorn and nacho chips while you wait (just don’t eat so much you spoil your appetite)… ๐Ÿ˜€


    September 17, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    Thank you all for your prayers. Wendy and I survived Ike well. We give thanks and praise to our God. Our home was spared, but we are still without electrical power. We do have water and gas and so we were able to heat soup last night and had a romantic lantern lit dinner last night on the patio. The Lord blessed us with a cool front and it was 63 degrees last night. We slept comfortably last night to the sound of a neighbor’s gas powered generator. The immediate coastal area has been devestated, keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

    In Christ Gary

    September 17, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    [B]1st things 1st.[/B] [B]Ike Update:[/B] We survived Ike quite well considering (Thanks and Praise to God). Our home was spared. We have a section of fence down and a few young trees that will need to be straightened up again. We are still without electrical power, but have water and gas. We ate our soup by lantern light last night on the patio. The Lord blessed us with a cool front and it was 63 degrees last night so we slept comfortably. Thanks for all the prayers, concerns and thoughts for us. The immediate coastal area has been devestated. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

    [B]Plasma Exchange update:[/B] The effects of the booster PE lasted about 8 days. I had a PE yesterday and have another one scheduled for this afternoon. My treatment regimine is: 2 back to back PEs every three weeks.
    Didn’t see much additional improvement from the booster PE (maybe some improvement in my calf extension physical therapy), but didn’t regress much either. The first symptoms I seem to have as the PE wears off is sensory degeneration in fingers arms and feet and an inflamatory “heat” in my knuckles and feet (if that makes sense). My right foot drop gets a little worse as well.

    The sensory issues and my overall strength seems to get better very quickly after the PE.

    I suspect “OldLincoln” is correct that loss of intrinsic factor is an issue a lot of us face. I’m convinced that either the virus or the antibodies that caused my CIDP destroyed my ability to produce intrinsic factor as well and so intramuscular B-12 injections are critical to me to get the B-12 for myelin repair to take place.


    September 12, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Thanks all for the prayers. We’re still fairly nervous. The pictures you see on the weather channel of Surfside Texas is within miles of where we live. Fortunately we are on the other side of the levee and the storm surge. However the winds area concern.

    Cheryl, God bless folks like your brother who place themselves at risk unselfishly to respond to people in need. Please pass along my thanks to your brother. And I’m looking for that Cincy recommendation.

    God Blessing to you all. Gary

    September 11, 2008 at 5:34 pm

    We have a trip planned to Cincy the week of the 21st. Do you have a recommendation for Cincy?

    Emma, thanks for the offer. We have evacuated to our son’s home near Austin. We left under a mandatory evacuation that was imposed at 10:00pm last night for our community. Our home is 10 miles from the beach at 21 feet above sea level (yikes Ike). I posted a prayer request…

    If I have a home and computer to return to, I will be looking for Cheryl’s reply…


    September 11, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Hullo all,

    Wendy and I boarded up the house as best as time allowed last night, packed up some of our belongings and left our home under a mandatory evacuation this morning at 6:00am. It was interesting boarding up and packing up with CIDP legs and fingers.

    Would appreciate your prayers as our house is 10 miles from the beach at 21 feet above sea level near Freeport Texas.

    We arrived safely at our son’s house near Austin Texas this morning and will wait the storm out here.

    Pray that we have a home to return to, and for the safety of our friends. Pray the storm will diminish and have minimal impact.

    THanks, Gary

    September 10, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Good morning all. Does anyone have anything for a peach pie overdose?


    September 9, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    ??? PIE, do I smell PEACH PIE ???

    I have some vanilla ice cream, if anyone wants to work out a deal!


    September 9, 2008 at 9:41 am

    To Gene’s Family and his GBS/CIDP Family,

    I pray Aaron’s blessing for us all in the loss of our brother:

    Numbers 6:24-26
    24 ” ‘ “The LORD bless you
    and keep you;
    25 the LORD make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    26 the LORD turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.” ‘


    September 8, 2008 at 11:01 am

    Jan, wonderful idea. Jamie, my number was 8.

    Dear God,
    1) I praise you for being our hope of the redemption of our bodies through resurrection (Romans 8:22-23) even when this earthly body is failing me.
    2) I praise you as my refuge and my fortress (Psalm 91) even when I feel I am under attack from my own body.
    3) I praise you as creator of the sun, moon stars & heavens (Psalm 148) you created me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by you in my mother’s womb.
    4) You can do all things, no plan of yours can be thwarted (Job 42) you have a plan for me personally, you are interested in my life and love me.
    5) Thank you for the wonderful friends you’ve provided for me through the GBS/CIDP Forum. ๐Ÿ˜€
    6) Thank you for your provision of wonderful doctors and effective treatment for me and this illness I have. (Sometime I need to share the story of how God has been preparing us for this and providing for us during this time; His hand has been with us all the way). ๐Ÿ™‚
    7) Thank you for my family and your selfless unconditional love they share with me.
    8) Thank you for making yourself evident through answered prayers.

    You are an awesome God! May praise, glory and honor be given to your name.

    In Christ,


    September 8, 2008 at 9:00 am

    I visited with the neurologist last Friday afternoon and had a “booster” plasma exchange. The PE didn’t wipe me out as much as the initial PE series, thanks be to God.

    The neurologist was very encouraged by my response to the first series of plasma exchanges saying he would have been pleased with a “factor of 1 improvement”, but my actual was a “factor of 2”. It had been 3 weeks since the first series of plasma exchanges had completed. The improvements continued for about 2 weeks after the initial PE series, but I had started to regress during the third week (last week), so the neurologist didn’t even see me in my best condition. ๐Ÿ˜€

    The blood center doctor said that typically 2-3 weeks is the initial duration of the plasma exchange effect, but that the duration of the effects typically gets longer. So we hope to extend the improvement cycle to 3+ weeks.

    So unless my improvement cycle gets shorter or I have a set back โ€ฆ the neurologist plan is to [B][U]continue treating with plasma exchanges alone [/U][/B]and prescribed 2 plasma exchanges on consecutive days every three weeks for the next 4-6 months. :confused:

    We discussed IVIG, but the neurologist was so encourage by my response and progress with PE alone that he recommended holding off for now.

    I would like to hear responses as to anyone else’s experiences with PE alone and your advice/wisdom on PE alone success for CIDP and the plan of holding off on IVIG (especially those of you who are being treated at Johns Hopkins for their neurological renown).

    I am also undergoing physical therapy and it is scheduled every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7:00am until 8:00am. The PT consists of a short stationary bicycle warm up, a mild workout with leg weight machines, balance, moving a towel on the floor with my foot, and squeezing a clay putty and grip device.

    I am scheduled to see an endocrinologist for my diabetes diagnosis. My glucose tolerance numbers were not significantly out of normal range (104 versus 100), so I’m hopeful we will find out that this diagnosis is incorrect.

    Thanks for all your prayers, advice and encouragement as I continue to battle this CIDP.

    Romans 8:18


    September 5, 2008 at 11:57 am


    While God expects us to be obedient, do our part and do the right thing. He is ultimately responsible for the outcome. That’s always given me a sense of relief and allowed me to move forward even in the darkest times and situations. The Bible tells us to rest in Him. I pray you can rest in faith in God’s sovereignty even in this situation.
