Your Replies
In an article in the Jan 2020 Neurology and Therapy by Dr. Allen, the Chairman of the GBS-CIDP Advisory board writes about the misdiagnosis of cidp. quote “over-reliance on elevations in cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration in indeterminate ranges.”
I have the Lewis-Sumner variant of CIDP, also called MADSAM. Multifocal Acquired Demyelinating Sensory and motor neuropathy.
At no time have I had elevated CSF.
The article is here.
Today, Jan 07, 2022 I mentioned to my Neurologist, a member of this group’s Medical Advisory Board, that the subject of Ocrelizumab for my treatment of IVIG/MMN was mentioned. Here is his reply, “I do not recommend Ocrelizumab. It would be more appropriate to stay the course with IVIG and see where things are at in a few months. Depending on that response it is not unreasonable to consider other medications, but not ocrelizumab. Rituximab (a very similar medication) would be a more reasonable medication – but again, that would really be down the road depending on how IVIG played out.”
I too was declared in remission, based on no worsening without treatment, in 2016 by Dr. Jeffery Allen, a member of the GBS-CIDP Medical Advisory Board.
Recently I felt weaker and sought out Dr. Allen up in Minnesota. He compared my recent EMG/NCV and Clinical picture to that in 2016 and before.
This sentence from his notes sums it up- “… His condition blurs the clinical distinction between MMN and mCIDP (Lewis Sumner Syndrome), and I think blurs the pathobiology mediating these disorders as well.”
Just restarted IVIG every 3 weeks. Sigh.
Happy New Year, everybody.
Perhaps the poster can direct us to the source of the post above stating: “it looks like this drug was approved now by the FDA…” The only approval(s) I can find are for MS. Such as this- ” 14 December 2020 – Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a shorter two-hour infusion time for OCREVUS® (ocrelizumab), dosed twice-yearly for those living with relapsing or primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) who have not experienced any prior serious infusion reactions (IRs). .”
It is regretful that you have experienced these side effects. There is a lot of data regarding the long term use of steroids and the accompanying induced adrenal insufficiency.
One NIH article explains- “The optimal time to test for HPA axis recovery following prolonged glucocorticoid use remains controversial due to variability of data for timelines of when that occurs. In general, the earliest that HPA axis recovery may be seen is about 4 weeks post-cessation of prolonged glucocorticoid use.”
Sounds as if you have just barely passed this timeline.
good luck to you.
GH is correct. I’ll take it one step further. One treatment of anything is not enough. Some neurologists are afraid to prescribe plasma exchange or IVIG. Find another neurologist who specializes in these conditions.
Repeating what the Neurology Department Specialist at Mayo clinic told me, “They did not give you enough, often enough.”
JIM_LA gave some links in his 2015 reply to a similar question:
True, it is difficult for Family and Friends to truly understand this condition. Sadly, we have probably all experienced this lack of empathy.
Moreover, everyone deals with the typical feelings of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Focus on the acceptance. Wallow in self-pity at your own peril.
Find a support group and some different doctors. Good luck.
Every case and every patient is different. It makes no difference if somebody said 2 days, 2 weeks or 5 months on a ventilator, that answer, alone, is not helpful.
I note no one has responded to you in almost 3 days since you posted. I’ll tell you why I did not. It’s exactly what you said in your last sentence- “Any info would be helpful.”
What does the neurologist say? What treatment for GBS has he received and what treatment is he receiving now for GBS? Sometimes, a form of chemo is used to treat CIDP patients.
GBS symptoms not improving in 8 weeks is, by definition, considered to be CIDP.
May clinic has this to say about
Although some people can take months and even years to recover, most people with Guillain-Barre syndrome experience this general timeline:After the first signs and symptoms, the condition tends to progressively worsen for about two weeks
Symptoms reach a plateau within four weeks
Recovery begins, usually lasting six to 12 months, though for some people it could take as long as three years”
Every case is different.
GBS without continuing recovery and/or worsening after 8 weeks, is by definition, CIDP.
Recommend you fill out the Chapter/Liaison help request form. Here-
Maybe they can help you. Otherwise, I would, first of all, find a neurologist you’re willing to travel to and then find if they accept your insurance. Generally speaking, CIDP, by it’s nature usually requires treatment.
Muscle atrophy and weakness will probably not heal themselves, nor will truly atrophied, long term damaged, muscle fibre and nerve pathways recover much, if at all.
Time is your enemy.
It is difficult to not have a firm, verifiable diagnosis. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “The diagnosis of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is established in an adult with (1) recurrent focal compression neuropathies and (2) family history consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance.”
In your case the doctor has already ordered the PM-22 gene deletion test. I also had one of those tests.
Which diagnosis did I want? Neither. Because HNPP is family history related it is somewhat easy to say- nope, never heard of that on either side of the family. Well, that depends on how personal the family tree talks get. Sometimes, the family history remains unreported for various reasons.
Well, your test will be back soon. Then you’ll know.
In my case, in addition to the PM-22 gene deletion test, ‘they’ also looked for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) among many other tests.
I suggest people read this article:
If you get a membership required warning it’s no problem. Become a member.
Good luck and best wishes.
Become the little engine that could. (from a children’s story)
If you find you just can’t do it, find a friend, a neighbor, a new friend, or a relative. Approach every task with the notion that for now, all of life is little-by-little.
good luck.
Indeed, not to say you need to just roll over, rover, and say yes to the doctor. But, it may be equally important that the doctor run some tests to rule out conditions as it important to run tests that point towards a diagnosis.
Suggest you read this article. If you get asked for a membership, that’s easily solved, create one.