
Your Replies

  • June 11, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    I’m so glad to hear from you and that you have your strong fighting spirit back.
    Stay on this forum and ask as many questions as you want. Also let us know what’s going on. There are so many wonderful, knowledgeable people here who are ready to help you.
    Sometime all it takes is one good idea.
    Stay tuned and know that I am wishing you the best and am praying to beat the band. Prayers can work small miracles and sometime large miracles and I know others are praying and sending forth their positive energies as well.
    Granted, you shouldn’t have to go through this but when you do your courage and strength will pay off and you will be able to come back and help others.
    You have gotten some good suggestions and advice so far and there will be more to come.

    June 3, 2010 at 7:35 am

    Hi Jeff,
    I am sending my prayers and best wishes to you. Hopefully GBS and your other disease will improve in time. We just don’t know what will happen or how long recovery takes. I’m glad you’re enjoying the springtime, because that is so good for your soul.
    Keep a little hope in your heart.

    June 3, 2010 at 7:16 am

    Hi Stacey,
    How wonderful that you shared your vacation fun. I almost felt like I was there with you and Connor.
    Give Connor a big hug and know that I am remembering you in thoughts and prayers. It was so nice to hear from you.

    June 3, 2010 at 7:12 am

    I seems like your doctors should be able to answer some of your questions.
    I hope you keep coming back here, because there will more posts for you I’m sure. I know Dawn Kevies Mom can really help steer you in the right direction.
    If you feel the need for a second medical opinion from a specialist please don’t hesitate.
    I am so sorry for your little boy and I hope the doctors can find something for the pain. Perhaps a phone call to the hospital would work for that.
    Follow your instincts as they are usually right.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    May 31, 2010 at 10:43 pm


    Thank you for the very thoughtful memorial gifs, and for honoring our brave
    and fallen soldiers.
    May God Bless You!

    May 24, 2010 at 12:28 am

    Iam sending prayers, positive thoughts and an abundance of good will your way. This is wonderful to hear and I am sure the outcome will be a new life for you.
    I do hope you keep us posted when you can and I thank you for sharing the blog. Your courage and bravery are contagious and lot of others will be inspired along the way.

    May 24, 2010 at 12:17 am

    Great hearing from you Alice! I take extra D3 and a little cod liver oil every other day usually in winter. In summertime I get a lot of sunshine Vitamin D.
    Give yourself as much time as you need to heal completely. Nature has a mind of it’s own, but it will get the job done.
    Warmest regards to both you and Sophie!

    May 24, 2010 at 12:05 am

    I’ll ditto that. You must check in with us whenever you can. Please don’t leave us, because you have shared and helped everyone plus your honesty and openess have been heartwarming.
    I am expecting nothing less than a wonderful life for both you and Connor. Connor should be so proud to have mother like you.

    May 23, 2010 at 11:57 pm

    OH boy! That’s a wonderful story and there will be more good things to come I”m sure.

    May 20, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    You’re a champ Gary. I have to look up to you because you’re not only a winner but an inspiration for all of us. God Bless You and Thank You!

    May 18, 2010 at 5:43 am

    I am so terribly sorry to hear of the suffering in your family, Dawn. You are going above and beyond the call of duty. I want you to know you are in my prayers and that I admire your strength and unboundless caring. I hope you remember to take good care of yourself and that our prayers will at least bring a little comfort for you and your family.

    May 18, 2010 at 5:24 am

    Caysens Nana,
    Praying for Caysen and family. It is so hard and I hope we can offer some comfort.

    May 11, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    Hi Stacey!
    There seems to be hope for you and Connor.
    When you feel up to it go to stemcellpioneers.com and then go to Neurological disease and then go to CharcotMarieTooth Disorders. and check out posts by jpfarm.
    JP Farm had stem cell therapy for CMT starting in Oct. 2008. He says you can PM him for information because he’s with a private company, but the research is ICMS certified.
    I hope once you find that site you will get more info and take it from there.
    I’m sure others on this site are better researchers than I am and perhaps can guide you better.
    I went to a search engine and plugged in stem cell therapy and charcot marie tooth. Maybe you will find something more. It’s out there.
    Some sites I found were disappointing, but there is definitely a good future for you and Connor even if doctors aren’t aware of the pioneer stem cell therapy being done.
    First you need the blood work and there is no rush to do anything. But getting involved with CMT research and getting all the informtion you can now should make you feel better.
    You and Connor are in my prayers and I know you will find a way. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any way I can look something up for you. I will help all I can and I’m sure others on this site will offer their help as well. This is just the beginning and time is on your side.

    May 3, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Hi Gary!
    Congratulations on the marathon! It was really great hearing about other participants especially the little 3 yr. old.
    You have made the day for many of us.

    April 29, 2010 at 9:24 pm

    I agree with Dawn Kevies Mom the quicker Selah gets to Mayo the better.
    Without the proper treatment soon too much damage can occur.
    I am sending prayers your way to keep you guided in the strong hand of faith and that you will make all the right moves and decisions for your baby.