Receiving vaccines post-GBS
Hello! I was a posting member here when I contracted GBS in Dec. ’07, two weeks after receiving a flu shot. I was told by the doctors a upon my discharge from Methodist Hospital in Hosuton, TX where I was treated, that I should never receive any vaccines again in my life. 6 months after GBS, it was found that I had StageIIIC Breast Cancer and my oncologist agreed with the doctors at Methodist about never receiving vaccines again (since my immune system seemed faulty).
My problem is our daughter is giving birth to her first child in three months and says it’s recommended that those being around the baby receive a Pertussis vaccination…probably the DTAP vaccine. I am wondering if I should chance getting it or just decline it? What do those of you with more experience think?
CIDP and GBS can be triggered by the seasonal influenza vaccine; the flu shot; the diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus shot, or DTaP immunization; the hepatitis-B vaccine; and the measles, mumps and rubella immunization (MMR vaccine). Another vaccine that may trigger CIDP is the polio immunization.
I would never want to take the risk of having my CIDP return and possibly causing worse damage than it already has.
Infants are protected by their Mother’s immune system (called passive immunity, because the baby has been given antibodies rather than making them itself) for a few months, longer if they are breast fed (mother’s antibodies are passed for a longer period). Their own immune systems kick in after about a year. Their first immunization, given when a baby is two months old, includes whooping cough and Hib (haemophilus influenza type b) because immunity to these conditions decreases the fastest. Passive immunity to measles, mumps and rubella can last for up to a year, which is why the MMR vaccine is given just after a baby’s first birthday.
I think you are at greater risk than the infant if you were to get the suggested shots. This, however a very personal family decision.
I was loaded up with all the shots in September 2012. My granddaughter was born 10/1/2012. I got GBS 10/15/12. I’ve never received a vaccine since September 2012. My grandson was born 7/13/2015. I have been baby sitting regularly from the first week. My grandson is okay. Me too.
Good luck. It’s going to be a tough call. But, for me, I’d rather wait awhile to see the grandchildren than go through GBS again. I hope you don’t have to make the choice.
Thank you all for your input. You’ve confirmed my gut feeling to abstain from the TDAP. Since I’ve retired from nursing and am not around sick people now, I’m not as apt to pick up the illness. Having the history with vaccines that I do, I feel confident that declining it is the right thing to do.
Much appreciation.
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