I am worried!
So, I have not been diagnosed with GBS yet. However I am exhibiting some symptoms. I’ll give a short backstory to help give a frame of reference.
Nearly two months ago I had an old achilles tendon injury flare up, which left me with a nasty bout of tendonitis. During the recovery period I developed a blood clot in my calf, just behind the knee. This is being treated and I am taking Xarelto. About a month into the treatment for the clot (about 2 weeks ago now), I began getting searing pain in the same foot, some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. To make it from my bed to the other side of the room took minutes that usually wound up with me crying by the time I got there. I went to the ER and they diagnosed me with cellulitis (most likely MRSA) and put me on Clindamycin and Bactrim DS as well as a one time IV of Ancef. In about a week I was on the road to recovery when I came down with what I assume was the flu, or a really bad cold.
The flu got worse over the weekend, and by Monday I went to see my doctor who did a flu swab that came back negative. He said he still believed it was the flu (due to the sweating and rapid heart rate), but prescribed me a Z-pak anyway to help clear out the congestion. By this point I had started feeling slightly better, but I filled the Z-Pak anyway. While I was there, I mentioned vague-transient pains and some itching in the foot where the cellulitis had been, which he said was probably due to the infection clearing out.
That night I took the first dose of the Z-Pak and within a few hours I noticed tingling in both my feet with my other foot feeling similar pains as the other (not bad pain, just fleeting burning sensations at random locations). Shortly thereafter I noticed similar tingling beginning in my hands. At first I thought maybe it was an interaction between the Z-Pak and Xarelto (for which there is a low-moderate risk). I wrote it off as that and decided to not take anymore of the Z-Pak as I had been feeling better before I even filled it.
The next morning the tingling was still there and slight cramping had started. The cramping moved into my calf muscle and 12 hours later it mirrored itself in the opposite calf. It wasn’t a full on charlie horse or anything like that, just a vague crampy feeling. The next day I called my insurance’s nurse line who advised me to call and talk to my GP, he said he’d seen GBS and this didn’t sound like it to him. His advice was to wait it out a bit and if I noticed any weakness or shortness of breath to go to the ER.
Which brings us to today. The cramping feelings in my calf seem to have subsided a bit, or at least it’s not as pronounced as it has been. The tingling is still there, mostly in my feet- less so in my hands, and occasionally in my forearms. I don’t really feel tingling past my ankles much only rarely in the calves. It’s hard to gauge any chest pain/tingling because I pulled muscles on both sides of my ribs while coughing with the flu/cold from earlier. I do seem to sweat moderately-profusely disproportionately to exertion and my heart rate is still slightly elevated (108 here at work, although I’ve been up and moving about throughout the day). I also feel as though I am not urinating as much as I should be, given my fluid intake. I don’t feel like I am retaining urine, and have no problems going, but when I drink a gallon of water in a day, there’s normally a good deal more.
So, I have already checked with my nurse line, my GP and tomorrow I am going to visit my hematologist for a check-up and will be talking to him about it. Does this sound like GBS? I haven’t had any muscle weakness that I can think of. My arms/legs/feet/hands don’t feel heavy or numb, I have full range of motion of my toes and fingers. I can still do leg lifts, climb stairs, lift things at what I think is my normal level.
I guess I am just looking for some feedback, as I have worried myself into a stupor.
Please read through this publication to help you better understand GBS and its variants:
http://30g7el1b4b1n28kgpr414nuu.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/OverviewENG.pdfIf you still think it is a possibility, contact a Neurologist who specializes in it and get the tests done right away. Time can be a critical element in getting effective treatment and preventing further or deeper nerve damage.
Thank you for the link. I will read through that once I sufficient time. I am also going to request that my hematologist refer me to a neurologist (unfortunately, there aren’t any near me who specialize in GBS as I live in a very remote area) just to be safe as I work in a dangerous industry, usually at least an hour from the nearest hospital/emergency care.
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