Cold/Virus before IVIG
Kevie has gotton ivig with a cold, and did fine.
Dawn Kevies mom 😮
Any update? My hubby gets 3 day at home IVIG and has chest cold
Allergy feeling sick…. can he still get his IVIG Monday???? -
Roz1, IVIg Side Effects?
It is fairly common for patients to experience headache (which can be mild to severe), stiff neck, fever, and symptoms of a low grade cold during or shortly after an infusion. Patients may often feel fatigued or flu type symptoms for a day or two after their infusion too. This is called aseptic meningitis syndrome (AMS). These symptoms are manageable and can be minimized or prevented by infusing IVIg very slowly.
If the dosage of IVIg may be hard for your husband to tolerate, ask your doctor to have it reduced or consider SCIg as an alternative treatment. SCIg does what IVIg does treatment-wise with less possibility of AMS.
Thank You Jim… but I was trying to ask I am sick with sore throat and chest congestion… hubby is not as bad as me … my sister came from the north with a virus!
Spread it to us! My hubby gets 3 days of IVIG Mon-Tue-Wed next week… CAN he get IVIG at home here if He has a cold or virus????? Should we call his Dr???
Ever hear of any issue???? Thank you -
OK, got it lol:
IVIg is a blood product. It is made up of immunoglobulins, which are also called antibodies. Antibodies help protect the body from germs, such as cold viruses. Antibodies are made by the immune system. The immune system is the part of the body that helps fight infection.
IVIg contains antibodies from a large group of people. Think of it like a mother passing on her antibodies to her newborn. Newborns otherwise have no protection until their immune systems develop. Their mother’s antibodys help protect them for many months, especially if breast feeding.
The bottom line is that he will be better off getting the IVIg and it may actually help him recover faster from the cold.
Thank you Thank you!! I felt that way so happy to hear from you
To confirm thank you!!! ❤️❤️ -
Ok so hubby is now on a zpac from Dr. walk in clinic….. has IVIG
Start tomorrow for 3 days at home is that ok to take antibiotics whit IVIG???
We can’t reach his IVIG Dr. tomorrow before nurse comes to administer…….
Help please -
Plasma Exchange would remove the antibiotics from his system, but he’s not doing that. IVIg adds to what’s already in his system, so the antibiotics will still be able to work.
The regular prophylactic use of antibiotics should be avoided because of an increased risk of infection with fungi or other resistant organisms. In other words, I would try to wait on taking the Z-pak until after the IVIg treatments. The IVIg alone may be enough to help cure the cold. Plus the FDA has a warning out that Z-Paks pose a heart risk.
The other potential issue has to do with the brand of IVIg being administered. Some brands may interact poorly with a Z-pak.
During my most recent infusion I overheard my nurse tell a caller that her office does not infuse IVIG during or one week after a patient’s antibiotic use. There is also a sign to that effect in the infusion room.
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