Just back from appt with my neurologist and he said my hand tremors ,difficulty with swallowing ,the mild vibrations i get inside my body ,ringing in my ears are not related to gbs.Previous appt he said my hand tremors were due to parkinsons so my gp sent me for a second opinion and he said no its not parkinsons.And ive had vertigo on and off for several months . Never had any of these symptons before gbs ,my gut feeling tells me it is from gbs . He dosnt know if my ankle reflexes will ever come back and said its nothing to worry about.Can anyone tell if all their reflexes return? 🙂
I was diagnosed in 1998. Not sure when the tremors started, but they were very severe. Still have them, but not nearly as bad. Seems like they travel throughout my whole body. I take baclafin to help control them.
[QUOTE=jeff]Hi: I am almost two years out and have tremors in both hands that have actually gotten worse in the last few months. I was told it was a permanent result of GBS but hopefully it will get better in time. When I am tired or have exerted myself they get much worse-with rest they are hardly noticable. When tired I can hardly write or use them at all. So when shaking starts I know it is time to take a break. Welcome to the forum and good luck with your recovery. Jeff[/QUOTE]
I have had CIDP for 35 years (before they knew what to call it) and I only experienced the hand tremors for the last two years. I started IVIG again plus I type a lot and the tremors have stopped. Don’t know how long this will last but Thank God for small favors. Doc says my typing is great thearpy.
I am just bringing this to the top for Amatrine…
I did experience morre tremors when I was on steroids, especially in my arms & hands. Now I just get them when my arms are not resting on something & I have to hold them out. It is just something I live with every day & don’t think about.
Wow……i’ve had cidp for 3 years and weakness and foot and hand damage was so bad for me I was bedridden for 4 months after about 12 relapses. Out of the blue this Jan my hand tremors began, progressed over last 6 months to the point where I can’t hold a sandwich, a water bottle, or open an envelope. So bizarre as my strength is better then its been in 3 years!
The tremors for me are bad all day but slightly better early in the day. I never knew it was so common, my neuro even tried me on a parkinsons med which just made me sick. I believe its fatigued nerves and damage after so many hits to the body. At 45 I look like an old 90, but am joyful I am more independent in my home.
Encouiraged that some of you had tremors STOP!:) I will pray.
one day at a time…Debbie:cool: