I reckon its like that with most guitard players… Do you think its personality, that drives wat a musician chooses as his “calling” Maybe they never got enough attention as a child? hehe
BTW I saw Prince on HBO not too long ago. If I remember correctly, he played guitar, drums and keyboards. People like that amaze me. I would think someone like that could play bass easy… I didn’t see him do it tho.. Maybe its not enough of a challange? *plays drum with an ink pen*
have a good weekend friend..
Hey Racer13,
wat did u do in the music world?
On a somber note, I was strong enough a few years back to look up some old friends I played with in the early 80’s era. The drummer, who was by then in his 50’s was hooked on crack. Drum set long gone. I remember crying on the way home. The last time I tried to ck on him, he had disapeared. Sold everything and gone to who knows where…