
April 2, 2011 at 5:52 pm

[B]I would strongly suggest that you get a new Neuro, apparently the Dr you have now is not very good with GBS/CIDP patients, actually sounds like alot of the problems you’re having other patients have experienced with their Neuros also. You cannot believe how many Drs have never treated GBS/ CIDP in their lifetime. Try someone else, it is detriment to you physical health and your emotional health.[/B]


November 19, 2008 at 10:59 pm

I used to live in New York (central Long Island) and moved to Florida a few months ago. New York City was too far for me to go for a doctor, but I saw Dr. Dale Lange (Mt. Sinai) one time for a consultation and kn ow he is good and I’ve heard that Dr. Russel Chin (peripheral neuropathy center) is very good. Some of us with CIDP are in wheelchairs and what I look for which indicates a good doctor is auto doors and ramps.


July 29, 2008 at 8:15 pm

YEs, I see a neuro. out of Penscola, Fl. I like him, but of course no one can give any answers.


March 20, 2008 at 5:12 pm

I live in northern MN & hate to admit that I don’t know where Janesville, WS is, but would it be too far to go the U of Minnesota? There are a couple of neuros there who are excellent in the treatment of these illnesses, including Dr. Gareth Parry. Just a suggestion…


June 20, 2007 at 7:26 pm

Hello Sheila,
Compared to your doctor, my doctor was close, only an hour’s drive away, even so, because he knew it was difficult for me to arrange transportation to make office visits, he would allow me to email him with question and he was so good at responding. Is there any chance your doctor would let you email. Also, do you feel okay about just telling your doctor that once in a while you need him to give you the time to ask questions.


March 7, 2007 at 11:30 pm

You could try contacting the liaison for this foundation in Sacramento for the name of a neurologist. Rose C. Nagao…916-421-0682