Any Suggestions for a Neuro in Janesville, Wis
AnonymousMarch 20, 2008 at 5:12 pm
I live in northern MN & hate to admit that I don’t know where Janesville, WS is, but would it be too far to go the U of Minnesota? There are a couple of neuros there who are excellent in the treatment of these illnesses, including Dr. Gareth Parry. Just a suggestion…
Pam -
AnonymousMarch 24, 2008 at 7:37 am
Pam, Gene, thanks for the suggestions. Minnisota would be a long haul. We are 90 miles south west of Chicago. I love living the country life, that is until you need a Dr.
I didn’t receive any treatments when first diagnosed with GBS. My most recent bout of “residuals” seemed more like those hospital days in 2004. But because I had experienced similar sensations and weakness, I didn’t go in.
My concern is whether that GBS diagnosis was correct. So here we go again, finding a Dr. my insurance will approve, and then getting to where ever the Dr. may be. No where around us, that’s for sure.
Thanks again for the suggestions,
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