Hey Norb!
Hey Norb!
Hey Norb! You never realize what you have until you either move or remodel a room. Then you end up with all this stuff that you totally forgot you had or could not find. Me and Andy too are trying to down size a bit. Since we got HDTV hooked up with our computer monitor I got rid of my office and he is making me a food pantry. But my gosh was there a bunch of stuff in that room! LOL! Took me a whole week just to get the room cleared and I still have work to do! I love yard sales too and hate I missed yours! LOL! Hugs
Linda H
Norb! Sending you a toast your way on your new beginning at your new place!
Hey Norb
Hey Norb! Not easy when you have to make a move to another State and being that far away is certainly a big move. But then sometimes you have to decide what is best for you and Carol! Missing the grandchildren and missing the children! Being lonely because they are all moved far away!
Or it might be great that you have peace and quiet and enjoy the quiet! Each person is different and it depends on their needs! If you are happy where you are at then I would stay put and enjoy having the home that you and Carol enjoy.
Me and Andy moved from PA to NC because my mother needed us around and refused to move in with us. If I had to make the choice again! I would have let her decide to come up North when she needed us. But couldn’t do that to my mom. I really don’t like the town we live in and we hope to one day move to the mountains. But we may be here a very long time! So I am getting used to being here even though I really don’t like the town.
Me and Andy like our peace and quiet! When all our children moved out we just got used to the peace in the house and it actually feels good to have. But we still love our children and grandchildren. Just enjoy having our time together.
I hope your MIL get much better soon so you can come back home! Hugs
Linda H
Hey Norb!
Hey Norb!
Hey Norb! I had both Hepatitis A & B both and got numbness and tingly a few days afterwards too. Then I came down with Lupus. I was working in the medical field back then and they made the shot mandatory. Wished I would have said no back then. But in order for me to have kept my job I had to take the vaccine. So I now know of two that had that Vaccine and had problems. Just wonder how many others!
Hey Norb!
Hey Norb! What a blessing! The baby is so cute and your other grandchildren are adorable. Must be so much fun watching them and seeing them have so much fun and life in them. Very cherished moments! Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning and sharing such beautiful moments!
Hey Norb!
Hey Norb? Have you contacted the American Disibilities Act. I really think they need to reform some things for the disabled. I just love seeing places that are handicap accessible and yet they make you park your car at the end of the parking lot farthest away from the front entrance. And then making a door that you have to pull out instead of in! I don’t know? Sometimes I wonder! I really wonder! Hugs:confused: