If you have confidence in him/her your neurologist is the one to tell you whether you should be concerned, so do tell the doctor what’s going on. The doctor can’t look at you and say “I see your fingers are numb”. I have CIDP and all my fingers and my hands became numb within the first year. I am severely damaged though, not mildly.
Some things that happen to me I now look at as regressions because I know they are not relapses. I have had CIDP for almost ten years and I’ve learned how to read myself, so I look at “regressions” as something that just happens and I shouldn’t be concerned.
I re-read your post. Regarding the crawling on the floor, Maybe there is some sort of cleaning chemical they use on the floor, or is she wearing any make-up for the show? Dawn
Hi Kelly
My other son Nick who is thirteen, had the same problem. About a month ago all of his finger pads were raw and almost bloody, I was freaking out, Kevin was in the hospital at the same time. Well, finally I realized he had been playing in the snow piles in the streets that were filled with salt and he was playing basketball in the street. Well it took about two weeks and it went away. Then it came back and the only connection was the basketball that he was using again. It is this one particular one with black and red paint on it. Is it the paint, rubber in the ball? Yesterday he showed me one spot that either has not healed or his new he does not remember (teenager thing). Being that we obviously have autoimmune issues in the family, I wonder if the basketball or the salt even have anything to do with it? If you find anything out can you let me know? Thanks Dawn:) 🙂
Hello Cathy,
YES, you do get a numbness, tingling and prickling in hands and feet. The numbness in my hands was the first thing that happened. This is part of CIDP and it may never go away. I am still extremely numb after eight years. Some of our members say that neurontin helps.