Your Replies
You are 28 and in this age you should not getting these problems especially when you do all of your stretching after doing your warmup. I suggest you to go to a sports medicine doctor.
I hope that you made complete recovery, you just have to be strong and hope for the best and never lose hope.
Never had an experience of watching the old version. Is there someone who can upload a screenshot of the old version so I can make the comparison 🙂
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One of my relatives had something like this few years back and she is now very much healthy. She use to go to a neurologist here in UK for more than a year once a week, she had to eat balance diet and do regular exercises as well as eating regular medicines. You should also just follow the instructions of your doctor and things will hopefully start to go well for you in a few weeks but if you are not feeling any improvement in couple of months you should change your doctor.
First of all I wish that your son get healthy soon. The main factor to restore leg extension isn’t to force it straight to a point which is not possible to undergo without having painkillers. It will definitely take time and your son has to face some pain. The best way is to do regular exercise staying in limits and not push too much, you should stretch it as much as he can tolerate and hold it for 1-2 minutes. Eventually, it should stretch out with the right technique. I would definitely no recommend any surgical solutions for it.
Can you please tell something about kennedy’s disease because there would be lots of people like me who are hearing about this disease for the first time. Thanks in Advance.