Where’s Bubbleboy?
AnonymousAugust 13, 2007 at 11:04 am
Hi all,
you might remember me even though I havent been on in a while. im jenn, 19, with CIDP. Anyways, one person on this site, hasnt been on in a while and ive been worried. Hes my main support for CIDP. IF anyone sees him online or something. Please have him email me. Thanks -
AnonymousAugust 14, 2007 at 11:45 pm
I remeber Bubbleboy posting, but then didn’t he find out that he had something other than CIDP? I was just wondering if he ever got a definitive dx for his symptoms. I remember he was in excrutiating pain, involving not just nerves, but muscles & joints as well. It just didn’t sound like CIDP to me, but I never found out what it actually was.
Pam -
AnonymousSeptember 4, 2007 at 1:04 pm
It has been awhile. It has been so long that I could not remember my password. The “forgot your password” route never got an email in to my inbox to straighten things out. Oh well. Better late than never.
In late July/early August I was admitted to a local hospital for chest pain. My cardiac stress test was positive. Cardiac catheterization revealed no coronary disease. However, it did show a heart defect that had been undetected previously. The cardiologist said that my autoimmune issues were causing the defect to place my heart under enough stress to cause the chest pain. The rest of the diagnostic process is still a mystery.
To those of you who wrote private messages or emails to my hotmail account, thanks for the concern. To my friends here that I frequently wrote to, please email me here or preferrably at [email]MikeWazowski1124@hotmail.com[/email]. I would love to continue corresponding with all of you.
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