Very Sick Mom

    • Anonymous
      August 28, 2008 at 4:57 pm

      I am happy to have found this forum. I am a new member to this forum but have chated with a couple of members in the other forums and have enjoyed there stories and advice. It was threw the other forum I found out about this one. Anyway, my mom is very sick right now with GBS. She was diagnosed 8 weeks ago this coming Monday and is still very very ill. She first showed symptoms on July 7th with tingling and numbness of her hands and feet. She had been in a very bad car accident on the 9th of June and was in the CICU for 9 days from the car accident so we kind of all thought that she was experiencing some sort of issue from the accident since she had only been home 2 weeks from the hospital and still was not able to walk on her own yet and still going threw rehab from the accident. So Tuesday the 8th we took her to the ER and they ran a bunch of tests and found that a lot of her levels were low and they were gong to pump her full of fluids and send her home that night (Boy were they wrong) She continued to get weaker and ended up in the ICU that night. She was in the ICU for 3 days and the Dr. was baffled. He could not understand why she was continuing to get weaker and weaker. They ruled out heart attack and stroke and other various issues and could not understand why a month after the car accident she was getting so weak. That Friday the 11th she crashed. She went into resp. failure and they intubated her and sent her to a bigger more specialized hospital. As we walked threw the doors of the bigger hospital and the Dr. said it looks like your mom has GBS. We had never heard of it. They told us what it was and that it will take a long time to recover but that mom would recover. We felt so blessed and told ourselves in our minds a long time was about a month and well she will be home by the end of the month right? We had no idea what we as family or our dear mother was going to go threw. We are now 8 weeks out and she is still on the vent (Trach.) she cant move anything below her shoulders, she cant feel anythig but pain (a lot of it) She has a feeding tube in her stomach, and is still on an intensive care floor. When the Dr. told us it would be a long time we had no idea how long he really meant. My mother has made some progress. (I am thankful every day for those small improvements) She can now swollow so she can have water, ice and yogurt (Any liquids really) she is alert most the time when she is not so sedated because of the pain. Her face expressions are back so she can smile and mouth words to us. The vent is down in the amount of support it is giving her so hopefully she will be ready to come off soon. But, for every good day there seems to follow two bad days. I heard her voice today for the 1st time in almost two months but, it broke my heart to hear her struggle to talk while on the trach. It took everything I had in me not to just start sobbing. Her spirits have been good up until the last few days. Her b-day is Saturday (She will be 66) and all my 4 childrens birthdays are in Sept. and she is really struggling to think she will miss them. She loves her grandchildren and misses them greatly. I know she has a severe case of GBS but does anyone have any suggestions on how to get her threw this. I try to see her everyday but with the four kids back in school it is tough. I do make it down there at least 5 times a week. My dad is there everyday from noon till 9:00pm when they give her a sleeping pill to help her sleep (She does not do much of sleeping) My brother also goes as much as he can but he is a firefighter and works a lot. My other two brothers are out of State but do come and see her when they can. We try to as positive as possible and tell her she is doing great and making progress but, lately she just seems like she does not want to hear it anymore and she is much more agitated and emotional than usual.

      Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

      Thank You,

    • Anonymous
      August 28, 2008 at 7:22 pm

      Dawna, I know I have talked with you on the other forums, but I just wanted to add here that I understand what your mom is going through. I reached a point where I told my husband to just unplug the respirator. I was SO tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It lasted for a few days and then something happened. I can’t remember exactly what but it was something simple like being able to move a finger. I was ecstatic. Then my hubby brought the kids to see me (I had 4 young children). That really perked my spirits up and gave me another reason to fight.

      Could you take some of the kids to see their grandma? Is she in a condition where it wouldn’t scare them? That might be all she needs to keep fighting. Anyway. I will talk to you more later.

      Will say a prayer for you and your family.

    • Anonymous
      August 29, 2008 at 1:20 am

      Has your mother gotten any treatment for the GBS? she definitely should be treated with IV IgG or plasmapheresis. This may help her get stronger. Even if she was treated before, please push to get her treated again if it has been a while. Sometimes people only treat once thinking that GBS is a abrupt onset illness and would not need more, but in the event that she is not getting significantly better at 8 weeks and is so affected, I think you would find most experts in the disease recommended retreatment, so please check into it. It can also help her spirits to know that something is going to be done to try to help her more.

      In the information pages and especially in the information sent by the Foundation, they clearly state that one treatment does not work for everyone. So the other thing to think about is that if she was treated, should she get an alternative treatment. Steroids are not used for GBS.

      Many places are strict about children in ICU settings, but if your mom is on a trach and stable with breathing, ask if the hospital can make an exception to let her grandkids come to visit OR if they can help her go to an alternative place briefly for a combined birthday party with them. If you think it might be tough for your young kids to see her with tubes and IV lines, think about maybe getting a video attachment for the computer so that the kids (and her sons) can talk to grandmom (it does no HAVE to be reciprocal–it will help her to see them even if they cannot see her). I think they are not that expensive and it might do wonders for her spirits. Having the kids call her periodically also can help especially if you can put them on speaker phone and reply for her (like telling them “Grandmom got a huge smile after you said that and did a thumbs up”). Staying connected is so very, very important.

      WithHope for a cure of these diseases
      GBS 3/07

    • Anonymous
      August 29, 2008 at 1:31 am

      I meant also to say that it is virtually impossible to be hopeful when you are in significant pain, so advocate for her for optomizing pain management. Lots of people with GBS have terrible pain and the “usual” pain medicines do not always work so well because the nature of the pain is “neuropathic”. You can find discussions on pain in GBS in which people talk about use of gabapentin (Neurontin) or Lyrica. These are not the only medicines that can help. It is really common for people to not get enough gabapentin to really stop the pain or to get started on one dose and it does not get changed. This is a medicine that it is best to start at a somewhat lower dose and then go up as the body gets more used to it. The important points are that if someone is started on a dose that is “too high” for them, they get really sleepy or perhaps dizzy. People adjust to this when on the medicine. The second point is that you need to keep increasing the dose until the pain is tolerable.
      WithHope for a cure of these diseases

    • Anonymous
      August 29, 2008 at 1:48 am

      Oh my goodness Dawna! I am so sorry to hear about your mother and what she is going through. Bless your heart! And bless her too! Could be your mother’s age too that is making it take longer. My mother has a weak immune system and when she get’s sick it lands her in the hospital everytime. Her immune system is very weak right now. That could be the culprit. Weaker immune system and age together!
      Someone that is much younger has a better immune system to fight where other’s especially at an older age can’t fight as well. My mom is 73 now but she started having health issues in her early 60’s.
      I got all teary eyed reading your post about your mom. I could feel your pain. It is very hard trying to help your parent and take care of your family also.
      Give your mother all the love and support you can give her. Let her know she is needed and loved. Not only does this hurt the family. But inside her mind right now she has so many things she is thinking about. She’s in pain, has alot of fear and then depressed at the same time.
      I think Jan spoke the right words. It’s a physical and mental challenge to fight this disease when it happens. And so many emotions and fears.
      With her being her age and dealing with this so suddenly to then go 8 weeks with very little improvement. She may herself be wanting to give up because she is just so tired. Exhausted and can’t handle the exhaustion anymore!
      Your mom also needs alot of prayers right now. And I will keep her on my list of prayers tonight. I hope her recovery gets better and she bounces out of this. But prayers are going to be her biggest support along with love and understanding. I wish you and you family my best!

    • Anonymous
      August 29, 2008 at 9:17 pm

      Thank you all for your words of encouragment I really appreciate it. I find such comfort in knowing that others have been threw this very hard circumstance and gotten threw it. My mom has gotten treatment. She has received 2 different treatments of the IV 5 doses each time and she received one treatment of the blood therapy. I think it was four or five days I am not sure. She did improve for a short while after the blood therapy and was able to move her right hand a little but now she is unable to move her fingers or hands at all and all she feels is pain. She is getting the medicine for nerve pain and a lot of other pain meds. Her spirits were a little better yesterday afternoon. She just has so much anxiety and fear of being forgotten by nurses or resp. therapist and staff in general. We try to have a family member with her during the days. I asked her today if she wanted to see the kids for her B-day tomorrow and she said if she is having a good day in regards to her pain level. She does not want them to get upset because so many times when people who have not seen her do come to see her they get so emotional for the first time. I dont know if anyone is ever prepared to see someone they love in this state of condition. My hat goes off to you who have been able to see yourself and others thew this terribly frightening ordeal. I know in my heart she will recover to what degree I am not sure but we as a family continue to pray and appreicate all your prayers also. Thank you so much again!!


    • Anonymous
      August 29, 2008 at 9:19 pm

      Hang in there and come here often. Not only to ask questions but also for emotional support. We are all your family and friends.

      Take care and tell your mom hellol

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2008 at 11:36 pm

      Well today was mom’s b-day (66) and wow what it a day it was. The floor did let my mom have the grandkids in to see her. That was very emotional for me. She has not seen my kids since the 4th of July and she is use to seeing them at least twice a week. She use to watch my 4yr. old on the two days a week I worked so she is very use to having him around. I know she misses them all very much. The nurse she had today was terrific in fact I got her a card to give her tomorrow to say thank you. She made my mom a special cake and approved my youngest the 4 yr. old to come in and see her. She was convinced it would help my moms spirits. It was hard for my oldest (17 boy) to see his grandma so sick. she is a very important lady in his life. She has always been there for me and my kids. I am the only daughter and the bond between a daughter and mother and the daughters kids is a tight one. My 12 year old girl who is also very close with her grandma (she is my only daughter and is very spoiled by grandma) was stronger than I expected. She was teary eyed but handled it very well. My 11 year old boy was a trooper and my 4 year old boy was as cute as ever. He just wanted to make sure grandma was ok. He misses her very much (we would shop with my mom every friday and have lunch together and she watched him two days a week. Anyway I had the hardest time out of everyone it was so hard to watch her try to be brave for them and smile when she was hurting and put on a happy face but, she did love to see them and my dad was so happy to see her reaction when they walked in the room. He said she just beamed when they walked in and was very happy. We are hoping it will give her the encouragement she needs to continue to be motivated and work at getting well and not be so discouraged. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers they are appreciated greatly.

      Thank You,

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2008 at 1:47 pm

      What great news Dawna. I know seeing my kids gave me the strength to keep fighting. I hope the same is true for your mom. And blessings to her nurse who understood the importance of her seeing her family.

      Wish your mom a hapy birthday from all of us here!

    • Anonymous
      September 4, 2008 at 9:49 pm

      Mom was moved yesterday to a specialty hospital. I was a little nervous at first. We had been at the big hospital for almost 2 months and change is hard. The new hospital is much smaller but has a floor of 6 rooms that are considered Intensive care needs. She is still on the vent (her numbers look better and her lungs are getting stronger.) They had here on TP’s today for about 5 min. That is all she was able to do. So she was breathing on her own for about 5 min. today. The good and bad thing about this hospital is that it is much more focused on rehab and therapy which is a good thing in that she needs that very much to get better but it is also so hard to watch her go threw all that she does it hurts so much to just move. She was on the tilt table today for the first time and she was able to tolerate it for 15 min. Which I think is great considering it was her first time. They will push her much more here at this facility than at the other hospital. I know she needs to go threw all this rehab to get back to be even close to what she was capable of before GBS struck her. She seems to be in better spirits and seems to be a little more herself when talking with us. She is much less swollen and seems to be just overall looking better. It will be two months on the 8th since her first symptoms and we have come a long way and we have a long way to go. I hope and pray the progress continues and that we will start to see more good days than bad.

      Wanted to update everyone and say thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.


    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2008 at 8:10 am


      I know what you are going thru in respect of watching a sick mother and feeling helpless. My mom was very close to my son, too, and watched him for me three days a week before she got sick. I was very very close to my mom and my son was her every reason for fighting. She had cancer and recently passed away. My son is five.
      I know the heartache you feel for your child/ children and your mom being unable to be close like they once were. Not to mention your own pain. It’s awesome that she was so happy to see them and if you can, take them to her as often as you can…even if it’s only for very short periods at a time. There is something about a child and grandparent that I’ll never understand until I am a grandmother myself. Children give hope and courage to their grandparents just a grandparent gives love and comfort to a child.

      Keep your family close and be there when you can but remember to take care of yourself as well. I know it’s hard to not be there every minute waiting for updates and good things to happen. I couldnt leave my moms side so many times.
      I dont have GBS and my mom didnt either but I know from others here that it can be a very long recovery…but she will recover . Have faith, stay strong, keep your children close by and take care of yourself.
      Come here for support or to vent…you’ve found an amazing group of people.

      Please keep us updated.
      My best wishes to you and your mother.


    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2008 at 9:46 am

      You are so right about the rehab. I remember in the beginning of my illness when I was so sick from the IVIg they moved me after 1 week on neuro floor to acute rehab. “GBS is 10% acute & 90% rehab” I don’t think I will ever forget those words. There were so many days in the beginning that rehab was just so difficult but with my families support I got through it. I have 4 wonderful grandchildren and I so looked forward to seeing them. When I new they were coming I couldn’t wait to see them. Some days they would lay in bed with me & we would watch a movie. They are my biggest support.
      So con’t to take them to see grandma & she will get better everyday.
      Sounds like she is make strides in her recovery. It is a long process but the end results are worth it.
      Hang in there & we are here for you & her when she is ready.
      My daughter found this web site long before I started posting on the forum. I just wasn’t ready for the longest time. Now it is wonderful & I have comem to know many wonderful people.:)
      God Bless & you nare all in my prayers.

    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2008 at 9:51 am

      Hope your mother continues to make little steps of improvement.
      Your mother and her family will be in my prayers.
      Bless you all

    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2008 at 10:58 pm

      Well yesterday was the first day I had seen my mother to the point where she could not stop crying for pretty much the duration of the day. My dad called me about 2 in the afternoon and said mom was having a very hard day and asked if I could come down (Even though my mom did not want me to see her so upset) I went down and walked in they were trying to get her comfortable and she was just sobbing. She has been so brave so far I have not seen a tear (from her) but yesterday she just lost it. She is so flustrated with the slow progress (Yet there is progress) She just wants to go home she says. She asked them to take her off the vent but when they explained to her she would die she fortunately changed her mind. She is so overwhelmed with sadness and flustration. She cant’ believe the time it is taking to get use of her hands back and to be able to be off the vent. The Physical Therapist can feel muscle movement in her upper arms and she is getting stronger in the upper part of her body. They have had her on the tilt table every day and she is up to 35 min. and today they had her in a chair position for about 1 hr. she tolerated that well. They are now giving her a different nerve med. (I cant remember the name starts with a L. ) and this seems to help her more and not sedate her as much. I know part of the reason she is struggling so much right now is that in the month of Sept. is all my kids (4) b-days. She has always been such a part of there lives and previous b-days she really misses that. I do take the kids in often expecially my youngest 5 whom she is very close to. On there b-days I take them to see her so she can see them and wish them a happy b-day. Anyway, we both shared a lot of tears yesterday even my dad who has been a hero in my eyes with her. He is there every day from 12:00 – 8:00 and he is her advocate. He even shed a few. I know we will have hard days along with good and fortunately today was a good day. Saturday is my parents 46 wedding anniversay and my dad is throwing her a dinner in the cafeteria he has made arrangements for the Resp. therapist to be there so she can be by some great big windows and see outside and be with family. So to get her ready for Saturday my sister in law came and did her hair and I shaved her legs. We did get a good laugh out of that. I have never shaved anyone elses legs and I got shaving cream all over myself it was good to see her laugh so hard even at my expense. So we did have a better day today. I just keep telling her next Sept. we will all feel more like celebrating and we will have some great parties next year when she is home maybe not 100% but happy and home. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write back and thanks as always for your advice and kind words.

      Thanks again,

    • Anonymous
      September 18, 2008 at 10:55 pm

      Dawna, I am so glad you had your mom laughing today. As I was reading about her day of crying, it reminded me of my own experiences on the vent. I too had a day where I just couldn’t stop crying. I begged my husband to take me off the vent and to just let me die. I knew with out it I would not survive but on that day I did not care. But the next day I felt a bit better and the day after that a bit better, and on it went. It is a long haul. It is lonely, isolating and depressing. As she can and does do more, if she is like me, the depressing moments get fewer and farther between. I pray that is what happens for your mom.

      Hang in there. Tell her I am sending her warm wishes and hugs. I feel her sorrow and pain, know where she is coming from and I do understand. Please reassure her it will get better and I look forward to the day when I can sit down here and actually talk to her and share our stories. Also wish her and your dad a very Happy and wonderful Anniversary and I pray they have many more in the years to come. 46 years….WOW!

    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2008 at 1:00 pm

      Well it has been almost a month since I have updated and wow what a month it has been. Mom has been off the vent for a week now. She is on a TP tube they call it and has done well with that. It was very hard for her at first but now she does not struggle with it at all. They have not had to turn on the vent for a week. What a great thing. She is able to speak with a speaking valve on. This also was very hard for her at first. She was only able to use it for a few minutes at a time at first now she can go for hours. It was great to hear her voice again. It had been over 3 months since I was able to hear her and what a treat. The other day my dad called me from my moms room and put the phone up to her ear and she talked to me on the phone (Wonderful). We dont relize how lucky we are to just talk to the people we love until we are not able to a period of time. My parents had a anniversary party on the 20th of Sept. and we had a great show. My mom was not able to stay for along time but we got her all dolled up hair and makeup and she looked great. I said to my aunt that our goal then was to just get mom off the vent so we can talk to her again. My aunt was shocked we would want her to talk to her over her being able to walk and move. I said to my aunt there is nothing more important than being able to communicate with the ones we love if she never walks again I can deal with that if I have to push her around in a wheelchair at the mall I can do that but to not hear her voice is very hard. Sometimes I will call my parents house when I knew my dad was at the hospital because it is her voice on the answering machine and I just had to hear it. So we are so happy she is speaking again. It gives her a great feeling of freedom. Her right hand and arms are moving more not a lot but some and her left arm a little movement in her hands and fingers. She was able to go outside last week a couple of times and it was great to see her enjoying the outside. (We take so much for granted being well and strong) Anyway, I just wanted to give an update we are still hoping that she will be home for Thanksgiving but our original goal was Christmas what a treat that would be to have her home for Christmas. Hope all is going well with everyone.


    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2008 at 1:06 pm

      This is just the best of news! How exciting. Keep us informed when you get the time. I too think hearing someone’s voice is special. I lobve calling my kids just to hear them!

    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2008 at 7:22 pm

      Hi Dawna! Sounds like your mom is a fighter here! She’s making progress which is good news! I too pray that she comes home for Christmas but right now, I pray to see her getting well again! Wishing you good luck!
      Linda H

    • Anonymous
      November 13, 2008 at 6:59 pm

      Hi Dawna,

      I am just now reading this and it is nice to meet you. I am so glad to hear that she is doing better. I just wanted to offer that I would be happy to call your mom if you ever think it might help her. I just passed my 5 year anniversary with CIDP and am doing well. I am a liasion for the foundation and would be happy to help if I can. My prayers are with you all. Email me or private message me here through the forums if I can ever be of any help.

      Jerimy Schilz

    • Anonymous
      December 1, 2008 at 7:32 pm

      Well I cant believe it is now December. If anyone would have told me back on July 8th (when mom went into hospital) that we would still be in the hospital in December I would not have believed it. Mom is doing well. She is still on the Trach. She cant tolerate the speaking valve or button yet very well. They cant figure why. Her vocal cords on her left side are not working well yet but the Dr. cant figure why she can tolerate the button and speaking valve sometimes and other days she cant tolerate it at all. She has a lot of anxiety over her breathing and is very nervouse when they try to button her. Her hands are working very well. She can move them and touch her face but her coordination is not all there yet. She is able to move her legs and feet a little bit but not very much. She had a very down week last week. She cried a lot and was very emotional. I think with the holidays she is having a hard time. Nobody goes into the hospital and thinks that 5 months later they will still be there. She wants to come home but at the same time is very scarred. She does rehab and physical therapy every day but hates every minute of it. We are still praying for Christmas to have her home. Thanks for all the support again.


    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 6:15 pm

      Hi Dawna,
      Nice to hear the update on your mom. Tell her we are all thinking of her. And keep up the good work

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 7:56 pm

      Just read your posts what a long journey y’all have been through. I have(had) GBS for two years spent 3 months in hospitsl/rehab then home for a month then to a nursing rehab facility for a long time now i am home again with my parents. I have had one relapse after a bout with the flu.I am still numb from the chin down but am now back at work (10hours a week) and i am driving. I finished with PT and now work with a personal trainer at the Y. I have been told i have recovered all i am going to. It is real important you take care of mental health as well as physical. I see a psychiatrist/Therapist twice a month. It is hard dealing with the life changes.
      good luck

    • Anonymous
      December 20, 2008 at 10:58 pm

      When mom went into the hospital in July we were told this was going to be a very long road. The Dr. told us that mom would be home for Christmas. For some reason that stuck in my head and I told myself that I could get threw this until Christmas. Halloween came and went (We thought she might come home) Thanksgiving came and went (Very hard without her) and Christmas is Thursday and Mom came home today. We are so thrilled to have her home. She tolerated the transfer very well. She still has the trach. She cant tolerate breathing without it she has some upper airway blockage still. She has the feeding tube still her appetite is not real good yet and she is still cathed but she is home. We are so blessed that she is in such good spirits. She cried when we got home in the house (We all did) She was in her wheelchair this afternoon with everyone and she smiled and laughed and loved to in the middle of everything again. We are praying she will continue to make progress and that her legs will begin to get strength in them again. She can move them but very little. Her hands and arms are about 70% but even that is wonderful. To see her lift her blanket or scratch her nose is wonderful. We are so excited to watch her joy in all the little things again we cant wait to see her recover more and more every day.

      Thank you for your thoughts and prayers they are a true comfort.


    • Anonymous
      December 21, 2008 at 12:22 am

      What a beautiful blessing at Christmas time.

      God speed healing to your mother.

      Happy Holidays!
