Two steps forward and one big one back

    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2007 at 8:25 pm

      My mom is home and trying to recover. she is in a wheelchair but trying to work hard at her therapy to walk again. Last week she used a walker to walk two lengths of the living room. This week she seems to be paying for it.

      She describes her feet as feeling like blocks of lead and she is totally fatigued.

      I suggested that perhaps she has overdone it and her body is telling her to rest.

      Have any of you experienced the change in feeling in the feet described and feeling like lead? She is going to discuss with her neurologist tomorrow, but she is quite discouraged today.


    • Anonymous
      September 6, 2007 at 8:45 am

      UR right. she has overdone it & now must rest to recover. plus recovery it not a slo uptrend. it is marked w spikes of downtrends. let her know this is the way it is & she must adjust her way of thinking. take care. be well.

      gene gbs 8-99
      in numbers there is strength

    • Anonymous
      September 6, 2007 at 10:30 am

      I was going to post about the same thing! we were approved to get a walker and dad loved it! he wanted to walk every two-three hours. and we let him since he was so happy and so were we. That was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday he is also paying for it! his BP went very low and he feels very fatigued! it is a such a shame. He was so happy. We let him rest yesterday and today too. i will see how he is tonight and then we might try some walking.
      But we are in the same boat and it is good to see somebody is walkign the same path we are. not that I wish this on anybody, but you know what I mean!

    • Anonymous
      September 6, 2007 at 9:18 pm

      Easy does it. When first starting out, limit the steps forward, because it is always doubled to go back to the beginning. I started out taking 5 steps-which is actually 10 steps by the time I got back to the starting point. and that was 5 steps (10) in am and again in pm, and that was per day. after I got use to that it was increased by 2 steps until I was able to recover in a short time. There is no need to try to do more in the beginning, it can only hurt the gbs/cidp person, cause a relapse if limits aren’t set. Patience is the key to recovery.

    • Anonymous
      September 6, 2007 at 11:53 pm

      I agree with Cheryl it is very easy to over do it! Just because you did it yesterday you might not be able to do it tomorrow. Rest is required. Work on upper body one day and lower body the next until you find what works.

      [B]”I will see how he is tonight and then we might try some walking.”[/B]

      When you hit a point where they over do it, back up and do less. Also think about trying to work on other areas that need to be helped. Sometimes when an exercise sets you back that area might need more work on strenght. It might be that the legs are weak but the hips and back and abs are still very weak and not able to keep up with the workout that the legs are being given. Routines have to be balanced and work all areas: Upper body, core and lower body. If you forget one area you are not going to get very far with the other areas. For example, if your abs are weak, your back is going to suffer and therefore walking is going to be a struggle. Continue to work with the basic exercises you did at the very beginning they continue to be important in the total picture! [B]Patience is the hardest thing to exercise![/B]

    • September 9, 2007 at 4:23 pm

      easy does it.. that is the only thing you have to remeber, we that are recovering have to listen to our body, we are so easly overdueing our self.