? sugar cravings/update
AnonymousDecember 28, 2007 at 5:34 pm
[SIZE=”3″]Saw MD this day and my hands and arms did have more strenght. Md is
going to start me on monthly ivig, 3 doses instead of five, to start
for awhile, continue on cellcept and arava and see what happens.He stated without another spinal tap, which we are not going to do any
time soon, that there is no way of knowing if the zaps, zings, pain,
etc. of whole body is nerves repairing or getting worse. Or if the
protein in my spinal fluid is increasing or decreasing. So, we are in
a wait and see mode.Continue to wean Prednisone. I’m down to 65 mg a day and will wean by
five mg a week, until I reach 30 mg. I’m to hold at 30 mg for an
indefinite period of time.So to continue PT, do exercises three times a day at home and wait.
Guess you all know it is the wait that i’ve to learn to do.
? does anyone out there get these horrible sugar cravings. I mean like
have to have sugar. Or is it possible this is the prednisone?Thanks to all again.[/SIZE]
I suspect the prednisone, when Kevie was initially in the hospital, there was a little boy we became friends with and he said all the prednisone did was make him eat and beg for candy.
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