Sudden Swelling in both inside upper legs???!

    • Anonymous
      December 13, 2006 at 5:51 am

      I thought I was getting a rash on the inside part of both thighs but over the past 3 days but now it seems they are getting suddenly alot bigger. I have had edema before but it hit my lower legs too but this time thats not the case. I got some scary possibilities from search engines- anyone familiar with this?
      I take neurontin, allergy meds benadryl-nasonex and occassionally blood pressure meds triamterene-hydrochlorthyriazide.

      edit**can I be a hypochondriac if I have a bunch of stuff really wrong with me? ๐Ÿ˜€ Its just edema I guess – deep vein thrombosis had me shaking there for a minute.

    • Anonymous
      December 13, 2006 at 10:39 am

      Take a deep breath! This disease process does some strange things to our bodies ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Perhaps you should have a visit with your doc to put your mind at rest. It’s really easy to get freightened when “visiting” seach engines! (my left ankle swells once in a while). Good luck!

    • Anonymous
      December 13, 2006 at 8:31 pm

      If you were my husband, I’d be taking you to the doctor. I don’t recall how long you’ve had GBS, but my fiancee is almost two years out. We basically know what to expect as far as residuals go, but whenever something new turns up, we go to the hospital. You can never be too safe.

      Good luck! I hope it’s nothing to be concerned about!


    • Anonymous
      December 14, 2006 at 1:26 am

      [QUOTE=Judi Z]Take a deep breath! This disease process does some strange things to our bodies [/QUOTE]

      I cent percent agree with Judy. Yes something keeps happening to me too. During last one and half year from GBS, I have experienced a lot of things such as headache, swelling at right side of face/chicks, sudden paining anywhere in body, cold etc. etc. And cramps in legs? O! It is mostly daily in the sleep

      But I have to confess that without any medicine it vanishes after a few days. Now I have learnt to neglect to such symptoms (of course, when it is not severe)

    • Anonymous
      December 14, 2006 at 4:26 pm

      I can’t remember when (now that I am almost 10 years post), but a few years ago I noticed my left calf was larger than my right one – I am right handed. So I checked with my doctor and he agreed, and sent to have a venus dopler thing done on my left leg to make sure I didn’t have a blood clot. No clot. There was no explanation as to why my left calf grew.

      So, don’t worry about checking anything out – surely the docs don’t mind as they make money off of us. Take care and keep sharing with us!

    • Anonymous
      December 15, 2006 at 3:23 pm


      How are you doing? What is happening with the swelling on your legs?

    • Anonymous
      December 15, 2006 at 6:22 pm


      How are you doing? What is happening with the swelling on your legs?[/QUOTE]

      Big Setback- Let me explain though.

      I thought the leg thing and the itching might be edema or thrombosis or blood clot so I was scared. I think its just a rash and me bugging out a little bit.

      So yesterday I was feeling good, decided to put on my AFO’s(the good ones) and hit the mattress store and office max. They hurt my ankles so bad I couldn’t manage. So I got very mad.

      Ate dinner and started feeling bad. Had the runs then started having trouble breathing like my throat was swolen. Called 911 – they started asking me for directions – wife drove me to the ER 10 minutes away – copter in the road – got in the ER everything was fine but my pulse stayed at 120 or so which is like 40 higher than normal. Also having a cidp flare up now so doc prescribed prednisone.
      They think its just an anxiety attack.

      I had them before in 98 and 99 because of the CIDP symptoms and I thought the GBS was coming again. But I passed it off as too much stress and talking through some of the crap I’ve been through in my horrible life made them go away- my wife is a good listener ๐Ÿ™‚ .

      Anyway – now im taking prozac(stop taking it because it made me feel funny), prednisone, neurontin, triamterene hydrochlorothyrizide and prilosec
      I feel better now than I did but not great. My son’s bday party is tomorrow ๐Ÿ™ I fixed my painful AFO’s with some pliers and a candle but Im exhausted, feel constipated, havent ate much.

      One positive thing today – I called my primary care doc who I hadnt seen in months and got an appt for next week, got a psychiatrist appt next week and got a new neuro appt for the week after next.

      Im really struggling here – I’d appreciate talking or chatting with anyone if they feel up to it. I really dont have any friends or family anymore and this is getting to me.
      I know alot of people here have it much worse than me and it makes me feel like Im really being trivial but im so depressed. My life feels like a tremendous failure.

      Thanks for the responses. I really appreciate them.

    • Anonymous
      December 15, 2006 at 7:21 pm

      Just sent you a pm.

    • Anonymous
      December 16, 2006 at 12:13 am

      Thanks Ali. Sent one back.

      I’m tryin to stay invalid busy to beat the blues ๐Ÿ˜€

      Working AFO’s with no pain woooooooooooooooooooooo! Not constipated I most likely ripped/sprained a stomach muscle plus poor posture is making my stomach hurt. If I sit straight up it disappears but I also sprained my back last week LOL sooooooooo

      Went out to buy a bed- it comes on Sunday. Then I went to Walmart and over-did it I went and got a cart but it was also too much for me. Spent an hour talking with the greeter who was real nice. It all made me realize that I have not gone out much in the past 2 years.
      Riding that cart wasnt as humiliating as Id thought it would be. I just dont care lol

      this thread is more like a pathetic blog about now ๐Ÿ˜€

      I love yall and I hope everyone here and their loved ones get well. I don’t think I can handle reading some of the rough times some of you are going through and I apologize for my cowardice. If you happen to come across this know that you are in my prayers.