Sudden loss of leg strength

    • Anonymous
      February 19, 2008 at 11:34 pm

      I was just standing at the sink and my right foot went completely numb. It then began shaking and I lost all my strength in my leg and collapsed. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Is this a relapse of gbs or something else. Please let me know. I am very worried.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 12:02 am

      my feet do that when i’m extremely hot or cold… more when i’m cold… i use to be scared but it happens more and more now that it’s cold

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 12:25 am

      Please call your neurologist and speak to the nurse, at the very least! I suspect your doctor will want to see you for an exam.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 6:55 am

      This happens to me when the muscles have reached the end of their limit and I haven’t been paying attention. It’s quite scary but usually a good night’s sleep will cure this for me. However, if this is a new symptoms I agree with Suzanne that you should call your doctor.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 10:25 am

      [FONT=”Comic Sans MS”][SIZE=”3″][B]Dave’
      If you haven’t already done so call your Dr.’s office right now.
      [SIZE=”2″]That’s what I did when it happened to me and though my next scheduled appt. wasn’t for a month, they managed to se me the next day, that would have been my 3rd ‘GBS relapse’, but everything was different this time and dx was changed to CIDP.
      Please don’t mess around, it doesn’t cost anything to call and it’ll save you a lot of worry. ‘kay?
      OldBat [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 11:38 am

      Thank you everyone. I just left a v.m. with the neurologists nurse. I will keep you posted.

    • Anonymous
      February 20, 2008 at 12:10 pm

      I’m so relieved to hear that you’ve contacted your neuro. I’ve had you on my mind this morning, as I recently went through a new battery of tests myself to see if what I was experiencing was a “GBS relapse,” CIDP, or even MS. Turned out it was none of the above (ended up being a whole different problem altogether that was just exacerbating previous nerve damage from the GBS), but still, it was important to know what was going on when weakness started coming back.

      Please let us know how things go, and I’ll continue to keep you in my thoughts.

    • Anonymous
      March 5, 2008 at 11:13 pm

      Hey guys,
      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I met with my neurologist and she didn’t really have a definitive answer for me regarding what happened. Basically she thinks the nerves are still healing and possibly the signal got temporarily interrupted and my system went hay wire. I felt crappy for several days with weakness in my legs, more than normal twitching in my face and my left thumb was twitching. Anyway, I am doing better. Feel pretty good again and staying positive. Thanks for all your responses and concern. I do appreciate it.

    • Anonymous
      March 5, 2008 at 11:27 pm

      Hey Dave,
      glad to hear things are better. Never seem to know what the heck is goingon with these crazy bodies of ours. Take care and be safe.


    • Anonymous
      March 6, 2008 at 9:10 am

      [FONT=”Comic Sans MS”][SIZE=”2″][B][I]Dave,
      That’s good news indeed! 😀 Keep the faith kiddo,
      Best wishes

    • Anonymous
      March 7, 2008 at 12:58 am

      [QUOTE=DAVE]….. I met with my neurologist and she didn’t really have a definitive answer for me…..[/QUOTE]
      I guess that sums it up……..unfortunately!

      The docs know so little about this, and each person can experience so many variations……

      You do need to keep expanding your abilities but be alert for signs that you must stop and just rest as long as you need.