Scared it’s coming back…

    • November 3, 2006 at 7:16 pm

      A short breakdown of my story; I was diagnosed in 2002 with MFV GBS. The neurologist I had was not very framiliar with the MFV because he had not seen a lot of cases of it. So this affected my care, my treatment, and etc…

      I was out of work for 10 months, spent 4 months in and out of the hospital and treatment was never started immediately because he said and I quote…
      “I think you will get better on your own.” #*%$*##! Thats what I think of the idiot!

      When I was finally pushed back to work before I was ready, I was only able to make it part time. I tried in the past 3 years to get back to full time, but have never succeeded in that. I am feeling very depressed about this because now when things are going so well in my life, for the past 2 weeks,I am having numbness and tingling in my face, around my mouth, my tongue feels like I am coming down from novocaine, I have fallen twice in the past 2 weeks, I look like I have been up for weeks at a time even though all I can do is sleep and rest. I also have feelings of needles and pins occasionally all over my body and pain in my face where the facial paralysis was once before.

      I am not feeling better with my general doc taking me off work to rest and am scared to death that this awful thing is coming back to haunt me.

      I do have a neuro appt. scheduled, but it is 2 weeks away. I am going to try to get in sooner though.

      Does it sound to anyone that I may be coming down with this again? Should I be worried? Also, my CBC and Thyroid came back normal, except for absolute lymphocyets which were elevated. I know that to diagnose things they have to basically do a lumbar puncture, but my doc did the CBC and thyroid to check if my white count was elevated or low.

      Thanks to whoever will answer my questions.
      You all are in my prayers.

    • Anonymous
      November 3, 2006 at 9:51 pm


      RU over doing it lately? if so, you need lots & lots of rest. if not, hurry up your appointment & get an emg/ncv. if damage is shown, you need ivig or pp asap. take care. be well.

      gene gbs 8-99
      in numbers there is strength

    • November 4, 2006 at 7:56 pm


      RU over doing it lately? if so, you need lots & lots of rest. if not, hurry up your appointment & get an emg/ncv. if damage is shown, you need ivig or pp asap. take care. be well.

      gene gbs 8-99
      in numbers there is strength[/QUOTE]

      Thanks Gene, I think I have been in denial and need ot move on to accecptance that this is really happening again possibly. I WILL call on Monday AM, and let everyone know what happens.
