Question for Dawn Kevie’s mom

    • Anonymous
      February 14, 2009 at 1:26 am

      Hi Dawn,
      I was searching the forum looking for answer, and found an old thread in which you asked the same question I am going to ask you . My husband just had two days of IVIG (he has two days monthly for the last 15 months). Yesterday after treatment he had major tremors in his right arm, and continues to have those major hand and arm tremors if he moves his little finger. In an old thread Kevie had an episode of arm tremors and you were asking if it might be connected to the IVIG. The responses on the thread didn’t really answer your question. This is the first time hubby has had tremors. Of note they ran his IVIG really fast both days–and of course he didn’t ask them to slow it down. So he wound up with the bad headaches and the tremor in the arm. I am thinking there has to be a connection with the IVIG and the rate of flow. And the other factor is that the IV was put in his right arm which is his weak atrophied hand/forearm. Just wondering if you ever came to a conclusion about whether it was the IVIG that caused Kevie’s tremor, and has he ever had them again. When hubby gets a new weird and wonderful symptom I always think he is relapsing. Thanks Dawn.

    • February 14, 2009 at 8:08 pm

      sorry no info

    • Anonymous
      February 14, 2009 at 8:43 pm

      Hi Dawn,
      This is the first time it has ever happened to him. He had IVIG this week on Wednesday and Thursday–both treatments taking an hour and half less time than normal. When he came home Thursday, he had tremors in the one arm. And they seemed to be intention tremors i.e. happened when he reached for something. They seemed to lessen and then Friday when he moved his pinkie his arm started with the tremors again. They are still happening. He is 61 years old. Sheesh I hope we don’t have to worry about Parkinson’s. He has been doing mild exercise for that atrophied right hand for the last two months–so maybe he is overdoing the exercise. Thanks for your reply. I hope Kevie is well.