Port placement in upper arm

    • May 3, 2018 at 11:12 am

      I found this nice study on placing ports in the upper arm versus in the chest:


      It sure seems an attractive alternative to me…

      I was hoping those of you with ports in your arm might share your thoughts and experiences with me…

    • May 9, 2018 at 3:31 am

      I recently had my 12th Port put in my THIGH. That is not an error, I said thigh. I am responding to your “Port placement in arm” because someone with severe access issue may look to this for help. In the 17 years I have had severe CIDP, I have had 12 Ports, 6 jugular lines (not a port running through jugular) and 17 PICC lines. I can’t put a port in my arms because of all the PICC’s I had years ago and the occlusions left behind. When my 11th Port stopped working in December, even my specialized Vascular surgeon could find no place for a new one. Because I will die without central line access for treatment, it was decided I would be one of a handful of people in the world that has a port in their leg. My port sits in the middle of my thigh, runs in my femoral line 27 inches to my heart. It isn’t pretty and has a higher risk of forming clots or getting infected, but it is keeping me alive by letting me receive treatment.

    • May 9, 2018 at 3:30 pm

      Thank you for responding
      My daughter is only 13 and she has autonomic and central nervous system involvement because she has intracranial hypertension
      She got down to below the 1% in weight before the IVIG started enabling her to eat again so I never fail to be annoyed when I read that CIDP doesn’t affect life expectancy …how can it not?
      Knowing what you know now would there be a certain order of port placement you would choose? That is would you start lower on the arms and then work your way up, the to the chest ?

    • December 25, 2018 at 6:34 pm

      interesting. Im back researching ports as my veins are pretty much shot and temp vascath for 10 days of PlEx has left me with infections a couple of times.

    • December 25, 2018 at 9:54 pm

      More port related info and options can be found in the following threads:

      To Port…Or Not to Port?

      subcutaneous infusions

      IV Access Getting More Difficult
