Neurologist motivation for treatment?
What is my neurologist motivation for my treatment? I’m curious to know what motivates my doctor to taper me more and/or to put the medicine on hold and see if I can go into remission?
Tapering what (IVIg, SCIg, PE, an Immunosuppressant)? For What (GBS/CIDP/AMAN/MFS/PN/etc)? Who is your primary insurance carrier? What kind of policy is it (PPO/HMO/Medicare/Medigap/etc)?
Should your question have read ‘… to see if I AM in remission’?
It took Rituximab to put my CIDP in remission for the last 3 years (knock on wood).
My neurologist thought I might be in remission or as he said “CIDP sometimes burns itself out in some people”. I have been on IVIG for 6 years now since first diagnosed. Started at every 3 weeks and over time pushed out to every 4 weeks… then every 5 weeks. Stayed at every 5 weeks for long time and did great. So my neurologist wanted to see if I had gone into remission. Said the only way to know is push out IVIG even farther and see how I react. Well to my disappointment as soon as I tried to make every 6 weeks I started to experience symptoms in the 6th week and had to have my nurse come out mid-week and give me my infusion. Went back down to every 4 weeks until everything was under control again and am now back out to every 5 weeks. Plan on staying there! But sure wish I would go into remission. I don’t know if there is anything I can do or take to increase my chances of remission. I hear IVIG usually doesn’t put you into remission. Just maintains your disease. But afraid to change to anything else too.
I don’t know about your neurologist, but mine (I had two) were professionals. They were motivated to get the best result they could because that’s what professionals do.
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