Hi, can I find any people with MMN on this forum? While CIDP is similar, it is still a different disease. The forum search seems not to work. Cheers, Anna
It is a tragedy the search function stopped working when the Foundation made some “improvements” last month. Hopefully they will restore the function soon.
In the meantime, did you find this publication?
Scroll to page 4 in this newsletter:
Thanks. Yes I know this publication; just reading it again, and it is enough to make me dispaire, cause I went undiagnosed for 8 years with no treatment whasoever, huge damage has been done, possibly irreversible, and I am being denied the treatment now. !!!
In the newsletter you state you have multiple international branches. I need contact details in both Germany and Greece, if available, please.
International chapters and contact info can be found here: are some specialists in Greece that may be able to help or provide referrals: hope you find the support you need.
University of Athens. Well I was in their hospital, but did not get the help I need. I might have contributed to their research though, with my rare illness.
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