Medicinal Marijuana

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2007 at 11:28 am

      I’m just going to toss this subject right out there. Medicinal marijuana is legal in 12 U.S. states now and prescribed for such illnesses as MS, HIV/AIDS, chemo, and other various disorders.
      Is there anyone who lives in a state that this is legal and they use marijuana for pain control?? I have done alot of research on this topic and I’m all for it, except I don’t live in a state where it is legal for medicinal purposes. I have spoke with two different neurologists whom agree with the use of marijuana and helping neuropathic pain.
      Also, for us non-smokers there are vaporizers that will heat up the herb to release the THC vapors and then you can only inhale the vapor.
      I know there is alot of stigma that goes with “marijuana”, but when you are willing to become a criminal to get relief from pain, then that’s a risk I’m willing to take from time to time.

      Please don’t respond to this thread if you are just going to bash marijuana.
      There is a movie that was recently on Showtime called “In Pot We Trust”.
      True stories of people much like us, using an herb to quiet their symptoms.
      All it takes is an open mind.

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2007 at 12:48 pm

      Honestly, I have thought about this many many times. I am glad to see someone had the courage to bring this up. I feel as you do, but I welcome the antis to chime in with thier feelings. I can debate this topic very well.

      In the different types of laws that exist in the universe, I have to choose gods laws over mans laws. If we can find relief for ourselves why shouldnt we? I mean if it works for you, use it. Just be safe and keep it under wraps.

    • Anonymous
      September 9, 2007 at 11:25 pm

      Actually this topic has been discussed before on this forum. All seemed to agree that if it worked for our type of nerve pain, we would probably use it. But it seems that although it works for MS it doesn’t seem to help GBS or CIDP nerve pain.

    • Anonymous
      September 10, 2007 at 3:42 am


      It’s my understanding that cannabis works for MS because cannabis affects the central nervous system–primarily the brain–which is where pain and symptoms in MS originate. It doesn’t do much for peripheral nerve pain.

      Having said that, from the people I know with pn and other types of pain who’ve tried cannabis, even if it doesn’t directly help with the pain it makes you not notice it as much. Of course, if you’re on steroids and already gaining weight, you’ll need to be careful not to give in to the marijuana munchies.


    • Anonymous
      September 10, 2007 at 6:07 pm

      [QUOTE=flower]I’m just going to toss this subject right out there. Medicinal marijuana is legal in 12 U.S. states now and prescribed for such illnesses as MS, HIV/AIDS, chemo, and other various disorders.
      Is there anyone who lives in a state that this is legal and they use marijuana for pain control?? I have done alot of research on this topic and I’m all for it, except I don’t live in a state where it is legal for medicinal purposes. I have spoke with two different neurologists whom agree with the use of marijuana and helping neuropathic pain.
      Also, for us non-smokers there are vaporizers that will heat up the herb to release the THC vapors and then you can only inhale the vapor.
      I know there is alot of stigma that goes with “marijuana”, but when you are willing to become a criminal to get relief from pain, then that’s a risk I’m willing to take from time to time.

      Please don’t respond to this thread if you are just going to bash marijuana.
      There is a movie that was recently on Showtime called “In Pot We Trust”.
      True stories of people much like us, using an herb to quiet their symptoms.
      All it takes is an open mind.[/QUOTE]


      I saw that special on Showtime. I also live in a state where it is not legal. So I buy it from a local vendor. It does work for me along with the Lyrica so I will continue to smoke my Herb and do not care if I get caught because it is a class b mistaminer like a ticket in my state if less than an ounce. I am a 55 year old professional who was forced to retire a year ago with CIDP. Go get you some Herb, it helps with both pain and mood!.:)
      Best Wishes

    • Anonymous
      September 10, 2007 at 10:46 pm

      it’s been a bad day and I want to reply to other posts but really had to say something here.

      When a cancer patient is terminal and they are smokers…some people say, let em smoke…what else do they have. When they take heavy duty narcotics, some people say, they’ll just get addicted…or they are addicted…but, again what else do they have. Let them do what they love and let them have what keeps them comfortable. Within reason, of course.

      Herb. In high school, that was my most fav thing to do. I graduated and had some college…and did well amazingly.

      As I got older…and I’m only a mere 37 now…ouch…but, I have to admit…I tried it for back pain a few years ago….I was so paranoid I couldnt stand it ! 😮
      If only I could go back to the days when it was fun…funny…and carefree.

      I wonder if I’d still be paranoid. I could sure use that kind of laugh again !
      My husband wouldnt go for it and I’d lost my job over it…but, I can reminisce.

      I say if it works, let it work. It’s not meth or heroin. For some, it could be all they have.

      this made me feel better after a very bad day……..just the memories.

      :p rock the cashbah


    • Anonymous
      September 11, 2007 at 1:36 am


      I also saw the Showtime special and thought that it gave a fair view on the use of medicinal marijuanna, however I live in a state that it is not legal. When I started cheomotherapy to put my CIDP into remission I was 21 years old , my insurance would not cover the nausea and pain meds I needed so I started smoking for relief. I felt so horrible that I was willing to do about anything to keep me from vomitting everyday. For me it has proven to be very beneficial in multiple ways. I am in a constant battle to keep weight on me, It calms my nausea and gives me an appetite so that I am able to eat. It helps me sleep or calm down when I have a lot of anxiety. It relaxes my muscles and I do not have as many spasms, etc. As far as my doctor is concerned, she knows that I do and has never advised against it. One day I just decided why suffer when there is something that can help me.

    • Anonymous
      September 12, 2007 at 12:10 am

      Hilariously, my 56 year old mother actually suggested this to me as an alternative to my pain that will sure to return once my percocet scrip runs out. Hilarious because shes’s my mother, she’s a don’t do drugs mother, and I’m a don’t do drugs kind of girl.

      However, I’m glad to see this discussion up here. It’s peaked my interest, that’s for sure.

    • Anonymous
      September 12, 2007 at 11:16 pm

      When I was in college, I burned the candle at both ends, and burned the joint at both ends. In order for me to focus on the life I wished to pursue, I moved to another state and left the college party lifestyle behind. I proceeded through life from that point and did well. I quit smoking in 1989 because I coughed so-o-o-o-o much (only 12-15 ultra-light cigs a day). In 1999 or 2000, I forget which, I quit drinking. I figured I had tried to drink all of the beer Coors made, and most of the Rum Bacardi made. Since I could do neither, I quit.

      My pain is as severe as I believe anyone else’s is. I am just one step below tears every day. Pain is a dominant aspect of my life.

      I take methadone daily, as well as percoset for breakthrough, ibuprofen for inflammation, and neurontin for the neuropathic pains.

      I could take higher doses, it would probably make me a zombie. I want to be able to live my life, and remember where I am, and what I am doing. So I deal with as much pain as I can stand, and try for as much relief as I can afford.

      One of the main things that kept me away from pot was my kids. Not so much what would they think of me for smoking pot, but what if they had an accident and needed me to either put on the band-aids, drive to the Doctor’s office, or even the Emergency room. What if they needed me for help with homework, or just wanted to talk about anything. All of that would be tough to do stoned.

      Those times are getting behind me now, my kids are mostly grown, and I have wondered if there would be any relief, and if I could handle it again. I tried some just last week. I am still a cheap date. One pipe-full and I was stoned. It lasted for a couple of hours and I went to bed.

      The next time, a couple of days ago, I tried it again, with the purpose of paying attention to my pain, and not paying as much attention to the fire in the chimnea.

      I had lost the feeling of pain in my feet, but I mostly sat down and wasn’t walking around. When I did get up, my legs were a bit more fatigued, but not much. I didn’t experience any “shooting pains” during my experience, but I had taken neurontin, and that usually keeps them at bay most of the time. It didn’t change anything else. I did cough a little the next day, I didn’t like that.

      I might try brownies down the road. Easier on the lungs.

      In my case, I had a nice time, and that was pleasant. I am not sure it changed my pain levels.

      I do however get good relief from drinking a herbal tea. I grow my own mint,, peppermint, and spearmint. I dry it myself and blend it into a nice herbal drink in the mornings. When I drink my mint tea, I am definitely more relaxed during the day, and that helps relieve stress.

      There are more remedies than just pharmaceutical meds. Some work for some, and some for others. I hope you all find some relief, because pain stinks. That is a fact.

    • Anonymous
      September 13, 2007 at 2:45 pm

      Right on Dick! Life is too short to be miserable all the time. I am uncertain of the effects of smoking mj for my pain yet. I am the paranoid when im stoned type. Setting and mindset I know, but still its hard to have fun and enjoy it like when I was younger. I will try again soon, and see if I can concentrate on my pain, and then see what happens.

      Time to find my old Doors and Jerry Garcia band cds.;)

    • September 13, 2007 at 9:59 pm

      Oh the good old days! I say go for it! I would if I didn’t think it would be used against me if there was ever a divorce or custody issue. If you don’t have those things to worry about, flare up and relax. If only!!
      DAwn Kevies mom

    • Anonymous
      September 14, 2007 at 3:02 am

      John C,

      If you have the Doors and the Dead on CDs, then you’re definitely too young to be listening to them. The only way to really mellow is with scratchy vinyl. 😎


    • Anonymous
      September 16, 2007 at 1:51 am


      Not to get too far off the subject, but I got a turntable with a USB connection. I can hook it straight into my computer and download the vinyl into a program. The program lets me “clean up” the scratches and clear up the sound. I can convert my old beat up vinyl to good digital files, and then burn them to cd’s.

      Some of the stuff I have won’t be available on cd, and even then it would all be too expensive. I had my mother-in-law give me some of her 78’s from the 40’s. I got Louis Armstrong doing When the Saints Come Marchin’ In. It was all beat up, but after I cleaned it up, It sounded great!.

      In this case technology is doing me wonders.

      Dick S

    • Anonymous
      October 9, 2007 at 9:21 am

      last week i was seen at a pain clinic and i am suppose to return on nov. 1st to start on kadien (extended release morphine sulfate).

      yesterday i seen my primary care and she had received a letter from the pain clinic stated what drug i was going to be started on and if she would be willing to take over the writing of the script in six months.

      i then told my primary (whom i’ve seen over four yrs now) that i had been using marijuana to cope with my pain prior to going to a pain clinic. i explained how i didn’t want to feel like a “criminal” to have weed in my home, plus the cost of weed vs. a month of kadien is a big difference.

      my doctor set her stuff down and told me to reconsider before starting on morphine. she spilled off to me all the side effects and the fact that you always have tolerance to the drug, etc. she actually encouraged me to continue with the weed. she even went as far as to tell me that she personally would bail me out of jail if i was ever to go. (i don’t live in one of the 12 states that have compassionate laws for medicinal marijuana).

      i’m really torn about what to do. please share your thoughts……….

    • Anonymous
      October 9, 2007 at 8:47 pm

      You unfortunately seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place! What can one possibly do in a situation like this? I totally understand your frustration in not knowing what to do.

    • October 10, 2007 at 8:08 am

      When I tried smoking pot in high school all I got was a headahe and I went to sleep. My son suggested it to me on one of my trips to Nevada cause he was stressed over my weight loss from the nausea, and if it would help with the pain what the hey. Just need to find a “dealer” here, lol.
      They now have THC clinics in Spokane, the pain has gotten alot worse and the Fentyl patch doesn’t seem to be working as well. I was thinking of giving it a try instead of increasing the pain meds. Found an ad in the daily paper, can get info at [url][/url]. Going to ask my pcp, she’s pretty open and if it works I’d be a happy camper in more ways than one.:D

    • Anonymous
      October 10, 2007 at 10:41 am

      What is more expensive, the weed or the kadien ? Like I said earlier…if it helps, why not. Yeah, it’s illegal. I cant do it or I probably would. My job drug tests…I’ve been here 17 years…I couldnt risk it…but, I’m all about if it helps someone, why not. And if your doctor is seemingly encouraging it ???
      I want that kind of doctor ! :p

      I dont think any of us can tell you what to do. Do what you need to do and be careful about it.
      The last I heard, weed was pretty expensive. And if you were to get caught purchasing it…what would happen ? Do you have kids ? I cant encourage it around kids…

      Weigh your options. If it would help with pain, appetite, mood, etc…? And the risk of getting in trouble for it are small and it’s what you prefer…?

      Tough choice. Good luck !


    • Anonymous
      April 30, 2008 at 11:49 am

      i was rereading some of my old posts and this topic is still something that interests me greatly and some of you guys responded as well. i wanted to share some of the websites that have more info on medicinal marijuana
      [url][/url] & [url][/url]

      i just wanted to share that i’m still using my herb for pain control. i take a couple of percocets a day for break through pain, but i’m not on the morphine or oxycontin! 12 u.s. states continue to have compassionate laws for the use of medical marijuana. at least five other u.s. states are voting this year on compassionate use of marijuana. the american college of physcians, which is the 2nd largest organization of m.d.’s, over 120,000 members are calling for a schedule change in marijuana from schedule I narcotic – meaning is has little to no medicinal value to a schedule III narcotic so it can be used in human trials, etc.

      oh, and to answer a few questions, no i don’t have children and i’m not able to work, so i don’t feel morally wrong for using a natural plant to help my pain. i’m going to [url][/url] this weekend to show support of this medicine. i’ve also found great recipes for edibles and tinctures, saves on lung power!


    • Anonymous
      May 3, 2008 at 9:08 pm

      Hi all,
      I do live in a state where it is legal, (California).
      My CIDP hit my autonomic system, (small fiber atrophy), and is knocking off my organs one by one.
      About a year ago, I was losing quite a bit of weight when it hit my stomach, (the nerves controlling the stomach), as I had tremendous nausea.
      My doctor prescribed it for me. It comes in the pill form, and is
      called “Marinol”, (THC). He told me to regulate it myself, taking up to three pills at one time.
      I tried one, (which turned out to be the dose I kept it at), as well as 2 pills, (stoned and not a care), and 3 pills, (whoa-stop the room from moving-I want to get off this ride)…
      It has been a great help! It does help with nausea and loss of appetite. (I do get the munchies when I take it.) It also helps with pain, though I need to take 2 pills if the need arises.
      I am on chemotherapy now, (Cytoxin at 2000 mg per time), and the pill comes in handy for the nausea.
      (Prednisone, IVIG, and plasmaphereses did not work for me.)
      My doctor told me two summers ago, that I had about two more years left of life in me. This summer, is that second year. The CIDP had done a terrible job on my body. He told me that a bad flu or lung infection will be what will do me in, as the nerves controlling my diaphram no longer work and I have shallow breathing. My team of doctors are working hard at trying to put it into remission. My Primary Care Doctor is wonderful, and wants me to be as comfortable as possible, which is why he prescribed the Marinol.
      I have to laugh–back in my hippy days, (I am 52 years old now), I was always getting stoned, either by smokin’ joints or taking THC tabs, and always partying. I had actually quit smokin pot, as my throat was getting burnt-out and I was getting a raspy voice. Now I am taking it legally…
      My neighbor has tremendous lower back pain. I gave him a bottle or the Marinol, and it worked very well.
      Yes-I am all for this. I did not ask for it-my doctor suggested it. I think they know the medicinal value of it, and are behind getting it to the people who need it.
      Good luck to those states that are trying to get it passed. Or why not visit a state where it is legal, and get a supply of it, if your doctor is willing to contact another doctor in the legal state for a script?

    • Anonymous
      May 5, 2008 at 6:12 pm

      I wanted to ask about this before but decided against it. Like ConnorzMom, Kedaso and Dick, I also used to indulge in cannabis consumption. I was more at rastafarian level in college though, like everyday all day. Got straight A’s though 🙂
      Anyway, I stopped a long time ago. I was taking so many hardcore drugs for CIDP I thought I would try some weed instead. I got too paranoid to try. I had some but just threw it out. I thought the risk wasn’t worth it. I know I could probably beat any charges with my medical history but the risk in a state that doesn’t have a medicinal maryjane program was too much.
      Maybe sometime I may try it again if the pain or neuralgia gets too bad and lyrica doesn’t work or I dont like it.