Join The "exercise Family" Placed In "general Questions"
AnonymousFebruary 11, 2007 at 6:39 pm
Hi Everyone,
One of our member’s LADYKIT started an “Exercise Family” and not knowing where to put it, she placed it in “General Questions”. Since we know our muscles are not damaged, it’s important we learn how to maintain what we have and to work within our fatigue level, so join our exercise family. I know I need motivation from others. -
AnonymousMarch 19, 2007 at 3:00 pm
I am starting to ride my exercise bike! So far I have made it several times (different days) at 5 minutes and once at 6 minutes. Having a TV on in front of me sure helps as I didn’t a while back and would have to stare out the window. I sure feel it when I get off and I sleep really, really good!
So, everyone, get up and pedal away 😀
AnonymousMarch 19, 2007 at 5:01 pm
Thank you for bringing this up again. I have started Pilates at a local studio that is only charging me a little bit since they are excited to help me out. I am very strong and very weak and tire easily but it’s great to be doing. I am inspired and look forward to being able to ride an exercise bike for 5 minutes.
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