Immunization Question
I am 1 yr post GBS and will be travelling overseas for work SE Asia. With that there are various immunizations that are recommended. On my one year review I brought this up and the Doctors were like…”Well you gotta weigh the pro’s and con’s. I would go ahead and get the immunization.” I did not get GBS from the flu shot at the same time if there is a 1% chance i am staying away from it.
Just curious if anyone here has some facts on this
AnonymousOctober 21, 2011 at 11:54 pm
I think it is about evenly divided on do I take the vaccine or do I not take the vaccine. My Dr. won’t give the vaccine to me, as I got sick with GBS right after I took the flu vaccine. I think in the end of reading the vaccine’s forum there will still be a need for YOU to make this decision. I took the vaccine for 10 years with no ill effects, and after the last one I got GBS. I know you have to take all the other vaccines before you travel abroad and that alone could make you sick, but you have no choice in takeing them. I will say a special prayer for you. Keep us informed when you get there.
God bless,
Drummer (GBS- 1988 ) -
AnonymousNovember 1, 2011 at 10:33 pm
[QUOTE=kevin2010]I am 1 yr post GBS and will be travelling overseas for work SE Asia. With that there are various immunizations that are recommended. On my one year review I brought this up and the Doctors were like…”Well you gotta weigh the pro’s and con’s. I would go ahead and get the immunization.” I did not get GBS from the flu shot at the same time if there is a 1% chance i am staying away from it.
Just curious if anyone here has some facts on this[/QUOTE]
I think the single most important word here is [B][U]RECOMMENDED[/U][/B]. I wouldn’t be as scared of the vaccines if the initial case wasn’t caused by one [B][U]BUT[/U][/B] I wouldn’t run out and get one without investigating if you truly need it where you are going…….. We are recommended not to get the flu shot but I know people that get it even though their case was caused by it or another vaccine…… They never did have another problem…….
My initial case was caused by a Tetnus shot. I will never get another one again in my life. I do not get flu shots. [B]Hypothetically[/B]—If I wanted to go to a country where I had a 99% of getting malaria without a shot then I would get the shot!
Ultimately the choice is yours and you are off to the best start by asking questions!!!!!!
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