I am back

    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2008 at 7:58 pm

      Sorry I have been away for a long time. Things have been Crazy. I have regained all the strength in my legs (not that bad to begin with), I am able to somewhat smile and can wink still no lifting the eyebrows or kissy face. My eyes have stopped watering due to the fact that I can now close my eyes completely. I hope everyone is doing well. I will be more active in the forums. Again sorry for not being active in the group recently

    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2008 at 8:13 pm

      Well good for you!!!! Who needs kissy face anyways:) You sound like you are making great progess! Welcome back….

    • Anonymous
      April 24, 2008 at 10:43 pm

      Hi Rob,

      Was wondering where you had got to. Glad to see you back and posting.

    • April 24, 2008 at 11:51 pm

      Nice to meet you, glad to here you are progressing. BESIDES, KISSY FACE IS HIGHLY OVERATED!!!!!
      Dawn Kevies mom

    • Anonymous
      April 25, 2008 at 9:46 am

      Look on the bright side! No BOTOX needed here 😉

      GBS-MFv 1993 and 2004

    • Anonymous
      May 2, 2008 at 11:53 am


      My speech therapist had me do the following – mouth as wide open as I could get then down to kissy face about 1,000 times.

      I still growl at her when I see her in town. It goes over and over in my head….Brett, open wider…wider….then the electrical stimulation hit…..:eek:

      There is a means to an end. Keep up the good work.