hello jim in ind here
AnonymousOctober 20, 2008 at 12:35 pm
I was diagn,with gbs in aug 05 and had other probs. didnt know about but with this gbs and other probs. im disabled cant walk more than half block with out assistance cane or wheel chair. But still fighting for disability. and lost medicade cause my dad passed away an left me and sibs some money.well long story short .not enough for insurance and could,nt get any way cause preexsisting condition. doc visits prescrips and bills so they still didnt care an took. but i still have faith in Jesus he,s my savor.and im glad for this web site now i dont feel so alone.its hard when no one under stands the pain/ shaking and good days and bad.disability. giving it to drunks and druges but those of us who need it have to fight just dont make sence.sorry spelling.but reading these threads help cause at least im not alone some times it sure feels like it .
AnonymousOctober 20, 2008 at 1:31 pm
Hello Jim and welcome to the site. You will find a lot of very helpful people here who may be able to answer some questions for you. If you will do a search, there are several threads on Disability issues that might help you or at least give you some resources…..take care, Gabrielle
Hi Jim-
I fully understand the frustration working with the government. I never knew they’d take benefits away just because you came into some money. I’m sure it would be VERY difficult trying to get independent insurance having had GBS. I got disability on my first try but I had many other problems besides GBS but a very good friend applied for disability with chronic pain and other problems and was turned down twice. She finally decided to get an attorney and go to court. She won her case and was granted disability. She contacted a lawyer she saw on TV. She said his commercial had the least amount of screaming! 😀 At least go for a consultation – they may be able to tell you if you stand a chance of winning.
AnonymousOctober 21, 2008 at 6:24 am
[QUOTE=Nancy]Hi Jim-
I fully understand the frustration working with the government. I never knew they’d take benefits away just because you came into some money. I’m sure it would be VERY difficult trying to get independent insurance having had GBS. I got disability on my first try but I had many other problems besides GBS but a very good friend applied for disability with chronic pain and other problems and was turned down twice. She finally decided to get an attorney and go to court. She won her case and was granted disability. She contacted a lawyer she saw on TV. She said his commercial had the least amount of screaming! 😀 At least go for a consultation – they may be able to tell you if you stand a chance of winning.[/QUOTE] i have attorney. but he dosent do much in way of stirin pot. i wrote sinitors gov,well (evan bahy) has help a very little. buy checking in on case but doc in indy messed paper work up. and this is bad but have app.nov4 indy iu medical with my nerve doc. cost arm an leg no ins, man they dont want us up do they. they keep us down as much as they can. but with JESUS by me and in me they wont win.:D
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