Happy Birthday, Lee!
AnonymousNovember 12, 2008 at 1:40 pm
Happy Birthday Lee! [COLOR=”DarkOrchid”]
I figured out this is a special one for you so here is a party balloon as well!!!
[IMG]http://bp2.blogger.com/_EXmZ0ncvA40/Rs-iHiVLC4I/AAAAAAAAAAs/1r3elEwRiVE/s1600/birthday_balloon.jpg[/IMG] -
AnonymousNovember 12, 2008 at 7:34 pm
A big thank you goes out to all of you.
Judy, you are truly an angel in this community. Your thoughtfulness in keeping up with everyone’s birthdays is inspiring!
Jan, thanks for the .gif. It was appreciated. You’ve been a great friend and with the trials and tribulations you share with Colleen it is a wonder you come here and are so absolutely positive all of the time. You amaze me.
And Linda, Mattyrae, and Alma, thanks to all of you. You are just the best.
If you want to see what I did on my birthday, look at my thread on the Success Stories Forum. I am pretty pleased with myself, but in a humble fashion.
Anyways, thanks to all of my GBS friends.
AnonymousNovember 16, 2008 at 3:58 pm
I hope you had a wonderful and special day! Your advice and thoughts have always played a significant part in bringing about a better result for those looking for help and direction with this horrible disease. You have always been a leader of this community – Thank you.
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