flip flops
Chronic hypersensitivity and pain in the front of the foot, yes. But I’ve never liked flip flops, so they’re not a problem.
AnonymousMay 25, 2012 at 7:43 pm
My reflex for keeping flip flops on doesn’t work with CIDP. I find them too dangerous to wear since my balance and trouble tripping is a factor. I wear flat well cushioned sandals in the summer that grip my whole foot for safely reasons. The sandals with wide adjustable straps across and on the sides work best for me.
hmmmm… i would love to wear flip flops again, but I wouldn’t even know if I lost one and walked right out of it–lol my foot reflexes don’t work well enough to hold them on. maybe after my rituxin trial?????
My right foot does start burning the further I walk in them.. and I had never noticed that you have to do certain toe movements to keep them on.. I have no proprioception of my right toes, so it feels like they aren’t doing that motion, but I loook down and apparently they are moving and keeping them on! But I agree, I get a little nervous about tripping.. I have the sonuk (sp?) ones, those fit and I don’t feel apprehensive about them (also the most comfy ones i’ve tried)!
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