feeling weak and tired today…

    • October 30, 2006 at 4:18 pm

      As the title says, I woke up this AM and felt worn out. I got some extra sleep this morning after taking everyone to school but still feel bleh.

      Now if my nerve study said my nerves look healthy, why am I still dealing with bouts of fatique and weakness? It isnt constant, but when it hits I get worried. I was looking forward to taking my kids to a movie tonight since we got free tickets, but I am afraid the drive will be too much (its about an hour away). And the sink full of dishes (where do they come from anyhow?!) is intimidating the heck out of me right now.

      Otherwise I have been feeling much better. The pain is manageable, the twitching is wierd but not dibilitating, and up until today I havent had much weakness since earlier in the month. *sigh* Any input on this would be helpful….just bugs me that I am told I am definitely on the mend and then I feel the way I do today. Esp when the nerves are healthy, the dr said it wasnt a bad case so she wasnt surprised things looked so good. That led me to think residuals would go away. Can nerves be healthy 3.5 months into this stuff? Am I crazy afterall??

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 7:47 pm

      i feel the exact same way many (most?) days and i am 9 years post gbs!! it’s just one of those things that has these lingering residuals and everyone is so very different…..keep your chin up, do what you can when you feel like you can….i so understand, this is very hard to learn to do…..it’s still very trying for me most days……i know i haven’t been any real ‘help’, just wanted you to know there is no way you are alone on this…..take care..much love, becky in wv

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 8:50 pm

      from what I have read (and I vaguely remember the doctors telling me at the time) people whose symptoms progress rapidly often also recover quickly. i am definitely testimony to that. So by the same token, people whose symptoms pregress more slowly also have a more drawn out recovery process. I think how quickly you are diagnosed and get treatment also plays a major role in recovery times.I know it is not much consolation but hopefully knowing that what you are feeling is “normal” might give you some peace of mind. i am no expert but when you think about it, just because the nerves are “healthy” doesnt mean they are working as well or as efficiently as they did prior to the illness. A lot of rehab involves retraining the body to do things you took for granted before. Even when i started walking again I had trouble at first doing things like walking backwards or walking while doing something else like bouncing a ball. Even though i was physically capable of walking, my brain had trouble tellin g my legs how to work when i was trying to concentrate on other tasks. I guess what i am trying to say is the body works in mysterious ways and especially with GBS there is often no hard and fast rules.

      Just hang in there and like everyone says, take things easy.

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 9:04 pm

      fom, you had alot on your plate this past weekend. you were working on a shirt and doing this and that, i was tired just reading your posts in the other thread-color-i think it was. you need to take a day or more for yourself, rest or read or whatever, just take it easy. the dishes (dropped off by the dish fairy) will be there when you are feeling stronger. 🙁 take care of yourself first and soon you will be able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. take care.

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 9:48 pm


      medical tests are not foolproof. listen to your body. work less & rest more. take care. be well.

      gene gbs 8-99
      in numbers there is strength

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 9:51 pm

      Ditto what Cheryl said, give yourself the time you need not just for physical but also mental wellbeing! Don’t sweat the little stuff, like dirty dishes, they aren’t going anywhere. Hug and kiss the kids and the rest will take care of itself.

    • Anonymous
      October 30, 2006 at 11:44 pm

      If seeing the dishes pile up bothers you, put them in a pan and hide them in the oven! ~ just don’t forget when you go to fix the next meal 😀

    • October 31, 2006 at 9:44 am

      [QUOTE=angel2ndclass22699]fom, you had alot on your plate this past weekend. you were working on a shirt and doing this and that, i was tired just reading your posts in the other thread-color-i think it was. you need to take a day or more for yourself, rest or read or whatever, just take it easy. the dishes (dropped off by the dish fairy) will be there when you are feeling stronger. 🙁 take care of yourself first and soon you will be able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. take care.[/QUOTE]

      You know about the dish fairy too?? People thought I was wierd always referring to the dish fairy. I had made a graphic about it but have no idea where it went. I have a laundry fairy too….which is the same one who covers the kids in strange smears and spots while I am not looking.

      Thank you all for your input. On top of everything yesterday I was in a foul mood and felt like crying all day. I even got into a small spat with hubby and we NEVER do that. *sigh* I did some reading and “healthy” nerves just means there is no axonal damage…which means no permanent damage.

      Hubby is so busy working on a PDA application for a hospital (and it is proving very difficult) that he hasnt scanned my template yet. I feel bad that it is taking so long to reveal my surprise. Thank you for being so patient with this.


    • Anonymous
      October 31, 2006 at 12:35 pm

      Lori, stuff happens, don’t worry about the template, we’ll be around and understand .:) it sounds like you need to have a nice long shower cry to me-thats what i do when i’m worn out and tired of this stuff, i can only do it for a few mins but it makes me feel alittle better afterwards.:) take care.