"Drones and disabilities"

    • August 28, 2015 at 4:15 am

      Dear friends,
      Two years ago I got it like a bolt from the blue – CIDP – combined with arthritis, as package deal.
      After experiencing a very difficult time with disabilities in moving arms and legs, while at its peak there were days when I was unable to walk, I was finally hospitalized and underwent -and I’m still undergoing – different treatments and medication, as you certainly know.
      Despite the difficulties, I realized that “giving up or surrendering” is a luxury for me and I decided to go on with life. As a chronic optimist my chronic disease won’t have an easy life with me 🙂
      Currently I gathered all my energy against moments and days of physical weakness, to fulfill my dream, setting up a portal on the topic “Drones and disabilities”.
      I would be very happy about your support in my project for the realization of my dream. Therefore I lunched a Crowdfunding campaign and hope to see CIDP community members among the supporters.
      Thank you for your attention in my concerns
      Eldad Garfunkel
