Disability retirement, insurance, & medicare…
AnonymousMarch 16, 2007 at 6:48 pm
Hi all…
Another question, and I am hoping someone here may have some experience with this… I received a letter today from Teacher Retirement saying that the Board has agreed to grant me a disability retirement… 😀 My next concern was how many deductions would come out of my retirement check… I went to the Employment Benefits Division website trying to find if there is a change in premiums if I am retired and come across a list of things, ALL of which must happen for me to be able to continue with the insurance I have now…
The thing that I am confused about :confused: is that it says I must be on Medicare Part B, if eligible, regardless of age (I am 58)… My husband thinks that means that I just need to apply for social security in order to get the medicare and if they turn me down (I am thinking they will…. I am no longer able to do the special ed things….running around after teachers and students, restraining students, endless paperwork, conferences, alternate assessment portfolios, deadlines… etc., etc., etc.) BUT I think they are going to look at me with my cane (hiking stick, actually) and think that I must be able to do some kind of work…
Soooooooooo… Here is my problem… Should I apply for SS and go all out to try to get it….and if so….does that take longer than to just go in, get turned down and prove to my insurance company that I am NOT eligible… The last day of school is coming pretty fast now and my retirement benefits will begin the first of July (I think)…AND I also have to tell the Employment Benefits Division that I will be retiring within 31 days of it happening to be eligible…
What do you think, gang..??? What should I do…??? I don’t want to jeopardize not getting my insurance continued and having to go on Cobra (Heaven forbid..!!! ….been there, done that…!!!) for who knows how many months while SS decides if I am eligible or not… 🙁
Any ideas, experience, advice..????
Aimee -
AnonymousMarch 17, 2007 at 1:37 am
Aimee, are you covered under your state teachers retirement system? the reason i ask is because i was/am a state employee and through my state job-at a teaching hospital, i qualified for disability and will apply for medicare in 2 years through the same system. in my state it is called opers=ohio public employees retirement system. through opers i could get health, life insurance-it so happens my insurance that we get through my hubby’s work is the same that opers offers, the same company, so i didn’t have to change. if your state has this program enroll in it right away. in ohio you can’t get medicare at my age until 2 yrs after initial disability begins, no matter what. ask the human resources department in your school system or go online under govt sites for info.
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