Could it be residual or something else???
AnonymousFebruary 12, 2011 at 9:36 am
Let me bring you up to date….my 6 year old daughter was hospitalized with what they soon diagnosed as GBS August 30th, 2010. We were in the hospital for 7 days, had 2 IVIG treatments and she walked out of the hospital. Fast-forward to now…..these last few months have been filled with EVERY virus or illness a child can get….within a 3 week period, she got chicken pox (which she was vaccinated for), strep throat, a tummy bug and now a nasty sinus infection. With this sinus infection she has been running a fairly high fever…even on day 4 of her antibiotics. This morning…she wakes up and walks with a limp….saying that her calves hurt her…should I be concerned that it could be GBS again? She did not do any type of physical activity in gym yesterday at school…so I am not sure where the soreness came from. Thanks for any help I get!
I agree with Mallard, stretching is huge.
As for the colds/flus I had a nasty sinus cold with fever for a couple of days. I felt walloped , far more than usual. I felt back to my old gbs-self after a couple of days.
AnonymousFebruary 12, 2011 at 3:31 pm
That’s an awful lot for a 6 year-old to deal with. Is the doctor seeing her regularly to check on her progress, especially with the extra illness lately?
Try massage on her leg muscles, use any peppermint lotion or even regular muscle rub if it doesn’t bother her ‘pox’, or irritate her skin if she has nerve-damage from the GBS. Build her up with extra nutrition in her diet; that helps as it strengthens muscle fibers.
It’s been more than 3 years, but I still have muscle contractions, and stiff, sore muscles, especially my legs and feet. Good shoes help upon arising in the morning, lots of rest between activities, and lots of massaging of the contracted muscles. -
Hi Jenn,
Is it possible it is cidp? Kevs first dx was gbs, same scenario, ivig, then walked out of hospital after 10 days icu unable to walk, hold things urinate etc. Time goes by, then we begin getting sick, all the time. We still do to present, from oct/nov to march april. Anyway, weakness, muscle aches started again about 4-5 months post first tx. At the 6 month mark after daily wrestling with is it gbs or cidp residuals, we went to the neuro for another ncv emg to see if there was worsening, there was and here we are now. BTW, regarding the antibiotics, we too suffered with sinus issues. We went to every doc possible, immunologist, infectios disease etc. Finally just this past Dec. I went to our family doc and explained the chronic sinus infections (4 years, on and off). Fevers and sweats every couple of days. She swabbed Kevs nose to check for fungus and staph. It came back positive for staph infection in the sinus cavity. We were put on an antibiotic for three weeks, but still did not get better, so we swabbed again to see what antibiotic would react to this staph infection in particular. Clyndamiacin was the drug that came up. We have been fever free for about 8 weeks now. That is huge considering every couple of days he ran a fever and had sweats. We are also on a 3 month continued plan on double stregnth bactrim once a day to finally irradicate any trase of staph. Along with the antibiotics, comes the over population of bad candida that messes up the gut flora. We were on a pro/pre biotic regimen for 6 months and Kev was feeling better (because of past antibiotic stints, our gut flora was messed up) but the 20 pills a day was getting to him. We are now back on the pills because Kev himself noticed he felt better and was sick less. There is all kind of research that links a healthy gut flora to overall well being. It is said that 80% of the immune system is centered around the gut!? So we are trying the regimen again. Another consideration, when Kev gets sick, he gets worse regarding cidp symptoms. His immune system is set in motion to fight of the virus/bacteria etc. and agin goes into overload (confused and does not turn off) therefore intensifying the cidp process. If you do not have a baseline ncv/emg from her first bout and then one in a post ivig situation, the only way to check for sure if it is another demylienation process might be another spinal to check for elevated protein. Unless of course the doc is satisfied with her new presentation symptomatically or from basic neuro exam. I am going to send you a pm.
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