CIDP cause – surgery & implants

    • April 5, 2020 at 10:33 am

      I believe a surgery or implant could have caused our illness. Did your symptoms start after you had surgery or an implant?

      Please answer to prove or disprove this theory

    • April 5, 2020 at 11:03 am

      I have never had any kind of implant surgery.
      Ive never nailed down the cause of my CIDP. My suspicions are either the Lyme I contracted, the over use of antibiotics to treat the Lyme, or very possibly the one and only flu shot I’ve ever gotten, or the combination of all.
      Everyone’s CIDP story is different. The end result is a crippling disease we have to combat. The cause is anything that triggers your immune system to go into overdrive mode and attack your body.
      Early on in my diagnosis I lost a lot of sleep picking my brain trying to find the answers to the cause of my CIDP, it’s hard not to think about it when you’re out of work with nothing to do but think.
      Try to focus on getting your self well. You will get a lot of support and information here. I know it’s hard to, but stay positive and focus on getting yourself better. 👍

    • April 5, 2020 at 11:20 am

      I’ve often believed implants was one of the reasons for my CIDP. I’m sure other women had this done but not as often as I went in 2016. I had gone repeatedly to have fillers in my face for a once in a lifetime reunion. After many trips to the doctor, I questioned myself about the safety.
      About 2 months later I got a flu shot and a tetanus shot at one time. A month later was my trip.

      IMMENSE stress for many years of being caretaker for my mother had me in poor mental health.
      During the flight home from the trip, i had the worst cold that lasted 2 weeks. Then a UTI. My legs were weak but I thought it was from being in bed for 2 weeks with the cold.

      When I think back to my trip, I remembered the day I hiked Diamond Head with difficulty. It shouldn’t have been such a big struggle because I live in Colorado and hike.

      I believe the stresses from my mother and frequency of fillers started a little something. Then the bad cold w/fever and UTI did me in.

      In short, yes, I believe implants or surgery can cause it. (I had been getting fillers and botox once a year prior to this with no problem).

    • April 5, 2020 at 3:28 pm

      I think this question is like any other I believe question very broad so broad that even being cut could be classified as surgery due to it being a trauma to the body.
      As for Frances Sakanai its more likely flu shot,tetanus or botox just because you’ve had something many times doesn’t mean your body won’t react to it in a bad way.

    • April 5, 2020 at 5:23 pm

      I had shoulder surgery and 8 weeks later I had my first symptoms. A year later I was fully diagnosed and on prednisone.

    • April 5, 2020 at 6:34 pm

      I mean, surgery with an implant left in your body, from a tooth implant to any other foreign object.

    • April 5, 2020 at 9:10 pm

      GBS/CIDP is an autoimmune system disorder where antibodies are triggered in response to an invading organism or antigen (often the Campylobacter bacteria) and the antibodies produced (Lymphocytes, B-cells, T-cells) that normally detect “self” are defective and don’t properly recognize “self”.

      More likely might be an immune response to metal toxicity, if you have some sensitivity to metals and they were surgically implanted. Are you allergic to types of jewelry (silver, gold, aluminum, stainless steel, etc.)? Here is an article that may help explain the metal toxicity risk better:

      Although rare, it is not impossible one could trigger an immune response from a surgical procedure. However, the chances that a TKR, surgery, a nerve block, or local anesthetic (lidocaine, etc.) would cause the immune system to respond with any such antibodies, or trigger a reoccurrence of GBS/CIDP, I think is quite slim. If it did, immunosuppressants (Prednisone, etc.) can be employed to reduce the immune response, but I would not think the risk warrants it.

      Perhaps the surgery followed another event that triggered an immune response?

    • April 6, 2020 at 9:43 pm

      Screws are implanted during shoulder surgery.

    • April 7, 2020 at 8:35 pm

      I had a tooth implant, that went through the sinus, and that according to the dentist, is now infected, failed, and needs to be removed. I was wondering if this could have caused my CIDP. I am making an appointment to get it removed asap.

      I also had a fusion on my spine, but it never caused me any problems and works fine… I can’t have this one removed…

    • April 7, 2020 at 11:37 pm

      Alex, how bad is your CIDP? What is your treatment? When was the implant done and when did CIDP occur in that timeline?

    • July 13, 2020 at 7:04 am

      As frightening as it may sound – everything can trigger it, that triggers the immune system to “work”. GBS/CIDP are autoimmune diseases which are caused by an over reacting of the immune system.

      I had GBS back in 2001 and a second episode in 2019, which was then diagnosed with CIDP.
      Both times the first questions were “have you been sick”, “have you been vaccinated”, “did you have a surgery” within the past couple of weeks. Just because, basically everything that triggers your immune system to react, can cause it.

      After realizing what I am dealing with, I asked my doctor if in this case, where everything can be a trigger “every flu I get, could cause a relaps / increase of the sympthoms”? The answer was YES.

      My first experience which confirmed this, was spring season & hay fever.
      During the worst period, my sympthoms increased rapidly and lasted for as long as the season wasn’t over.

    • September 6, 2020 at 10:58 pm

      I developed CIDP after having major hours-long surgery to put my fractured pelvis back together. I have seven very long screws across my sacrum, which had been shattered. I was told I would be back to normal in three months, but I never recovered. I grew weaker, lost my balance, became unable to walk without a walker or cane, then started using a wheelchair. I was diagnosed with CIDP eventually when I was so weak and so consumed by nerve pain that I couldn’t function. By the time I was diagnosed, a year after my surgery, an EMG showed I had lost 80% of the nerve function in my legs. The connection between my fractures and surgery and the onset of CIDP seems perfectly clear to me.

    • September 6, 2020 at 11:04 pm

      BTW, I already had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (from my teens), which is an autoimmune disorder, and I was born with a degree of immune deficiency that made me sick a lot as a kid (not bad enough to ever be life-threatening, but I had endless sinus infections that just wouldn’t go away, a common marker in immune deficient children), so I’m not really surprised I developed a major autoimmune disorder, CIDP, later in life.
