Checking into hopspital
at what point do you decide that it time to get treatment for your CIDP, is it when you can’t walk, or work or some other reason. I just fell down throwing hay into my horse pen and if I can’t do a simple thing like that I feel its time for me.
of course it varies from person to person… I kept going to dr’s outpatient, they would run a test, and then we would wait a few weeks for the results.. and then another test, and then wait.. it was SOOOO frustrating!!! Finally, one week, I started to really crash.. I couldn’t breathe.. My PFT’s were 70% and doing that test made me almost pass out.. I was in the hospital for a week and started IVIG Then…. It’s a frustrating process that’s for sure!!! Good luck!
Better sooner than later, because prompt treatment generally leads to a better recovery. That’s not what I did, though. I went to my GP only when I could barely get to my feet and was falling at the slightest provocation. By the time I got to a neurologist on his referral a few days later, I couldn’t stand at all. He put me in the hospital right away.
My GP has taken over my CIDP treatments because neurologist is a little too uncaring and his staff is a joke. I have been keeping GP aware of my general level of weakness and I let him know when I need treatments, just a little red tape to go thru before I get admitted.
I hope it’s a temporary arrangement. I think everyone with CIDP needs a neurologist, but of course if you are not satisfied with one you should find another.
My neurologist just tru me a curve ball, instead of admitting me to hospital he wants me to travel 50 miles to get second opinion after I have had 2 plasma exchange sessions. This seems strange that he is not sure of my CIDP diagnoses after going through all the standard test, and that the plasma exchange works so well I just need it to last for more than 5 weeks.
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