Andy Griffith Had GBS

    • Anonymous
      October 10, 2007 at 2:05 am

      My childhood star actor “Andy Griffith” had GBS in 1983. He’s in his 80’s now. Look at Google for the full story.

    • Anonymous
      October 10, 2007 at 5:34 am

      I remember being told about that when I come down with GBS. I also noticed he is an Honorary Member of the GBS Foundation that. An article that I had read said he had to take time off (two years) from working, to recover from GBS. There has been several VIP that have had GBS. Recently there is a college basketball coach that is in a wheelchair that coaches in either North or South Carolina. A polititian from Ohio that could not continue her campaign to be re elected. Just like on our message boards their cases were very different from each other just like the ones here. They are also are now thinking that it was not Polio that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had, but it was GBS. Small world! :rolleyes:

    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2007 at 2:31 am

      As I posted in the main forum, Andy Griffith was on the Insider tonight. He was using a wheelchair to navigate the long hallways at the airport and using a cane to get to his car at the curb. He said he has residuals from his experience with GBS, which include pain. I don’t see any drs questioning his residuals. Maybe now the drs will believe more gbs/cidpers when they mention their residuals.

    • Anonymous
      October 15, 2007 at 9:02 pm

      How I wish that Andy would use his celebrity status to forward the GBS cause. But then perhaps he too is tired of the struggle and just wants to “curl up”. . .