Stress Test

March 13, 2008 at 11:57 pm

I had a stress test about a year ago; it was not very much fun. I had a very hard time breathing after they gave me the drug through IV. I’m sure it was only a few minutes, but it seemed like forever. A friend of mine was discussing this the other day. She had the IV injection and had no problems. She said she just sat there and she could feel her heart rate start to increase, but it didn’t bother her at all. I’m told that the treadmill is not a breeze either. I guess that’s why they call it a stress test. Go into it positive you have a whole staff of medical professionals around you and hopefully you will be like my friend who had no problems with it.
Good luck – John

Stress Test

October 13, 2006 at 12:58 pm

Most interesting subject – prior to my GBS (Jan-03) I had taken a stress test every 2 years -some heart vessel blockage ,hogh cholesterol- following my GBS I lost 50 pounds reduced my chol.counts and also was able to reduce the medication (zetia) so my levels are all now in a good range
Have wondered should I return for a stress test –walking with a walker but doubt that I could reach the desired heart rate on a treadmill.
Currently use a power chair in the house as my sit/stand is still weak and have the usual GBS fatigue issues
In rehab 4 days a week (pool as well ) and have no symptoms of heart problems ..
Has anyone else had this problem.

Robert L