Stress test post GBS
AnonymousMarch 13, 2008 at 3:44 pm
I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! With the prospect of winter coming to an end and the possibility of spring really arriving I decided to go back to the Dr. and catch him up on what I’ve always referred to as my ‘leftovers’.
The fatigue seems worse and I get winded easily. Some discomfort in my chest and this has been for several months.
So he set up a stress test along with all the blood work tomorrow. He asked me if I could do a treadmill, I answered “for how long?” He said as long as it takes to get my heart rate up.
Has anybody gone through a stress test while they are experiencing the typical residuals? I can’t see how this is going to work. -
AnonymousMarch 13, 2008 at 4:22 pm
Hi there,
I’ll tell you when I first got sick, I was having an irregular heart rate and this was before we got a diagnosis. I couldn’t walk but they can give you a drug to increase your heart rate instead of actually doing the walking and the stress test. I don’t know how well you walk, but if you can walk, you might want to try that first and see if your heart rate increases. Mine still won’t with walking, but I can get it up with biking to a point. Otherwise, they gave me a drug that put my heart rate at 170 beats per minute. I thought I was going to blow up:) Good luck! Gabrielle
AnonymousMarch 13, 2008 at 11:57 pm
I had a stress test about a year ago; it was not very much fun. I had a very hard time breathing after they gave me the drug through IV. I’m sure it was only a few minutes, but it seemed like forever. A friend of mine was discussing this the other day. She had the IV injection and had no problems. She said she just sat there and she could feel her heart rate start to increase, but it didn’t bother her at all. I’m told that the treadmill is not a breeze either. I guess that’s why they call it a stress test. Go into it positive you have a whole staff of medical professionals around you and hopefully you will be like my friend who had no problems with it.
Good luck – John -
AnonymousMarch 14, 2008 at 8:26 am
Good morning.
Last July I had a stress test after going several months with a tightness in my chest the Dr said was indigestion. I had to have the shot as my chest hurt when I tried the tred mill. I found out I had silent Angina and had a triple bipass. I have to say from the way I felt to the way I feel now is like day and night. One thing I did do with no problem was stop smoking. I have not had a cigarette for 9 months. I have you in my prayers and I was blessed that my problems were found out and that there were doctors that could correct them.Your friend (Steve) -
AnonymousMarch 14, 2008 at 5:44 pm
Steve, first of all, good to hear your stress test was the beginning of improvements in your health.
Gabrielle, thanks again for your description of the alternative to the treadmill. At least I was somewhat prepared for the sensation you described as “feeling like you are going to blow up”…did I ever!
Got a double whammy. My current Dr. was not along for the ride the past 3 years as I have struggled with fatigue and muscle weakness. I tend to run an unusually low heart rate so I knew it was going to take some serious treadmill time to get it where they wanted it. It didn’t take long for myself and nurses to realize this was not the way to go. God bless those dear nurses for having a tight grip on me, my flight off the back of the treadmill would have made a great YouTube video.
I drove myself to the appointment and by the end of the day left the hospital in a wheel chair. Will we ever learn?
Thanks for the feedback on the stress test to all of you. I see the Dr. on Monday. (That is if I can get there!) Think I’ll go visit the Tavern Forum and see what they are serving.
JayDee -
AnonymousMarch 14, 2008 at 7:54 pm
JayDee, glad you got it done! It is very hard for a regular person to get their heart rate up. The medication was a strange sensation though, but as soon as it was done, everything slowed back down to where they wanted it. I hope all goes well and thank goodness for the miracles of medicine and that we are able to get stuff like this done to help us out! Too bad about the missed YouTube video:) But it was a nice visual!
AnonymousMarch 17, 2008 at 11:21 am
I had a stress test the middle of January after being diagnosed with GBS in November. I had quite a severe case, I went into respiratory arrest and was on a ventilator for 7 days and totally paralyzed, couldn’t even blink. When I had the stress test I was still tiring easily and was very apprehensive about being able to finish the test. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be and I did fine. I would think it would be better to walk the treadmill if you can, at least you can tell them when you’ve had enough. Good luck!
AnonymousMarch 19, 2008 at 12:21 am
Last week I went to have a stress test that was ordered my GP. The attendents could tell just by how I was walking down the hall that I wouldn’t be able to use the treadmill. They canceled that appt. and waited two days till I saw the heart spec. He had me set up for another stress test only with the injection this time. I don’t like the idea of more stuff pumped into me, especially something nuclear. I don’t walk well so any exercise for 4 years has been out of the question. I tire way too easily and my sugar crashes. The tight innertube feeling that has been constricting my chest for 4 years has been acting up recently. This is the reason my Dr got this going in the first place. I really don’t think I’m having any heart problems so should I take the nuclear hypo? Sucks having to think of this crap all the time.:(
AnonymousMarch 19, 2008 at 12:17 pm
I just finished with the “nuclear hypo”. Believe me, I was so glad that somebody here had explained it. I tried the treadmill, but knew I’d never be able to do it. The injection is definitely a strange feeling. But it only lasts for about 6 minutes. At least it gives them a means of checking out the heart. I, too don’t feel it will show any heart problems, but had been having the heart palpatations and tightness in the chest more and more.
I find out today what the results are.
I’d say have it done, at least it may give you peace of mind about what you are feeling.
Good Luck, let us know how it goes.
JayDee -
AnonymousMarch 19, 2008 at 6:38 pm
I did this test two weeks ago. Yes it is a strange feeling when the nuclear stuff goes in and raises your heart beat. It doesn’t last long!
Results were my heart was functioning at 45%!!!!!
Straight to Vancouver for angioplsaty
procedure lasted 2hours and 45 minutes
2 stents in LAD and ballooned 7 other places
I had no pain and also had silent angina!
Go get it done…it might save your life!;)
P.S. I am 42 years old!
Rhonda from Canada
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