
October 20, 2007 at 2:29 pm

Here’s a card for you. Just let us know what you have a problem with and the experts here will help you.



March 10, 2007 at 9:04 am

Boy, do I know what you mean by a triple “WHAMMY”, but in a different way for me. WHAMMY #1, I “may” have a second chronic syndrome (diagnosis not confirmed yet), #2, mother’s primary caregiver has to leave, so family has to bring in a stranger to help care for my mother, #3, I was not careful enough and am in financial trouble (can be brought up again only by tight tight budgeting). ALL BIG BIG STRESSERS.

Mom’s and Dad’s love their children and I think your wife’s mom and dad would want you to take good care of their child, so your wife should be your first concern.


June 13, 2006 at 11:17 pm

Hi Dave,
You can post in my link too “ANOTHER WHERE DO WE LIVE, from old forum”, in MAIN FORUM category.