Hi Kitt!

October 27, 2008 at 10:49 am

Hi Kitt! I love wearing those fleece pajama’s in the winter time and they are really warm. Getting out in the cold tough I hate getting out in it! I remember those 2 and 4 feet snows in PA! Blizzards! Total blizzards! If I am at home and not going out anywhere, I wear the mens flannel pj bottoms with a sweatshirt! They feel more comfortable than the womens pj’s and have a more casual look to them. I like wearing the sweats around the house alot too.
The only thing about being cold is when I turn my heat up in the house, my nose gets stuffed up and then I can’t breathe good. So I like my heat turned down enough so I can breathe! Especially at night time. During the day I do okay but when sleeping, I hate being stuffy!
I can’t stand anything on my feet either at night. Heavy covers on my feet drive me crazy! LOL! But in the house during the day I am wearing socks. At night the socks fly off!
In a car if the heat gets too high my windows get rolled open too! Can’t stand that stuffy feeling too! Our highs today are going to be in the high 40’s too. Winter is no upon us! So is that Thanksgiving Turkey, Pumpkin Pie! Yum yum! LOL

Hi Kitt

October 15, 2008 at 8:09 am

๐Ÿ˜€ Hi Kitt! Actually not talking to much because my voice is still doing funky things. I can talk but it’s more a low whisper type of talk. It sounds louder though so I think the voice is coming back. Another week I might be able to talk again. I hope! Not fun being able to not talk! LOL!
That is one thing I still have had problems with. But doing better! The sleep feels great! But my body with this nerve damage it really did damage. Very weak muscles. I’m going to have alot of work to do on that issue!
I’m thinking about getting a treadmill! With winter coming, it’s hard getting in the cold walking. LOL! At least a treadmill would have me going inside my home. And I could exercise anytime I want too!
Thanks my friend! I’m doing good so far! Hope it stays that way! Hope you are doing okay too! Loved that car you placed on the site! Beautiful!

Hi Kitt!

August 21, 2008 at 4:17 pm

Hi Kitt! That is what baffled about them saying CIDP. When I got the attack on my nervous system the vision in my left eye got really bad. Just recently saw the eye doctor and she is running more test on me in September. She saw something wrong with the left eye and is keeping a chack on it. Wants to see if it improves or get’s worse. This might be GBS instead of CIDP that I have but not sure. Hopefully soon I will have the answer. Very useful information that you gave out! Thanks for sharing this!

Hi Kitt

August 4, 2008 at 8:20 am

I see your up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning! ๐Ÿ˜€ I do have my days and nights messed up for sure.
The numbness and tingling mess starts every single night. After 5 hours of those meds and the pills wear off, that numbness and tingling starts up again waking me up to not be able to sleep again. It’s been a ritual for quite some time with me. I used to be able to sleep well, but since having this problem with my illness, I find it hard to sleep.
Last night I got online and looked up something about diet sodas that have Aspartame. Hmmm! Found some interesting stuff about those Diet Colas that has that ingredient. Think I am going to Detox myself and drink more water instead and see what happens. I drink the caffiene free sodas, but that Aspartame might be a problem causing some of my problems.
It was scary what I read! And I like my Diet Cola’s too! But could be poisoning myself!
Have a nice day Kitt!