Dear Chrissy
I have been there girl. Am praying for you. You should get a lawyer, who does SS only, you can look in the yellow pages & find one there. Your Dr. who knows about your GBS is better than the neuro doc you had. The SS Drs. & specialists are a group of people who will say you can work. I know nothing about how much you can work on SS. It sounds to me like you could have CIDP, don’t take my word for it seek a pro. You need a new neuro doc. Praise the Lord you got food stamps!
Love & gentle hugs, smitty
Dear chrissy
This all sucks even more! So sorry! I have been where you are no job, no ins. no $, physical, mental, emotional, financial crash. $500,000.00 in dept. I survived! I survived! Hope this cheers you up. Hope is eternal. You are in my heart & in my prayers.
Love, & gentle hugs, smitty
Dear Chrissy
So sorry about your insurance or lack there of! It does suck! I am so sorry you have been feeling so bad! And the tornados, no one needs them! I wish I had words of wisdom or comfort, can only say, you are in my heart & in my prayers. We, your forum family, are praying for you. Get well, be safe, & keep on fighting!