Your Replies
Thank you for your help. I contacted the organization and read through the brochure they sent. However, my assignment requires me to gain personal insight to how this disease can impact a person’s life. I have added the interview questions below if anyone is interested in participating. I will be more than happy to email the questions as well. I would love to add a your personal experience to my GBS presentation. (HIPPA is respected and no identifying information will be added). Thank you in advance.
1. Does individual have difficulty or require assistance performing self-care tasks? If so, how? (personal hygiene, bathing, toileting, dressing, feeding)
2. Does individual require the use of adaptive equipment for functional mobility/transfer? If so, what kind? (cane, walker, wheelchair, scooter)
3. Does individual have difficulty or require assistance feeding self? If so, how? Is feeding tube required? (utilizing utensils, chewing, swallowing)
4. Does individual have difficulty maintaining prior role function at home, work, school, and within the community? If so, how? (parenting, spouse, child, sibling, boss, co-worker, coach, choir member, teacher, student, secretary, etc.)
5. Does individual have difficulty managing medication/health care independently? If so, how? (distributes own medication, schedules doctor appointments, drives self to doctor, etc.)
6. Does individual have difficulty planning or preparing meals? If so, how?
7. Does individual have difficulty shopping independently? If so, how? (grocery store, gas, clothing, supplies, etc.)
8. Does individual have difficulty maintaining housework, laundry, yardwork? If so, how?
9. Does individual have difficulty managing finances independently? If so, how? (writing checks, balancing checking account, paying bills by check/online)
10. Does individual have difficulty falling asleep and/or remaining asleep throughout the night due to symptoms? If so, why? (pain, sensations, etc.)
11. Does individual have difficulty or notice an increased demand to rest due to symptoms? (nodding off, napping, relaxing, short of breath, etc.)
12. Is individual currently employed, retired, or attending school?
13. If formerly employed, did the condition/symptoms require a surrender of position, early retirement, or leave of absence from work/school?
14. If currently employed/attending school, does the individual have difficulty fulfilling job/student requirements? If yes, how?
15. Does the individual require assistive devices or modifications to complete tasks or activities at work, school, home, or within the community? (Assistive devices include a reacher, dressing stick, button hook, sock aide, toilet seat riser, etc.) (Modifications include grippers for knobs, grab bars, ramp, handrail, hand held shower head, etc.)
16. Does individual continue to participate in leisure activities? If so, what kind?
17. Has the individual noticed a decline in their ability or endurance during leisure participation?
18. Does the individual feel they have a strong personal support system? (family, friends, co-workers, church members, etc.)
19. Does the individual participate in activities requiring social interaction? If so, what kind? (family/friend gatherings, church social, support group, etc.)
20. Does the individual attempt to maintain social relationships/contacts? If so, how? (phone call, text, email, in-person, social media, etc.)Thank you for your response, the assignment does not require a face-to-face interview. I can email the list of questions I have devised for you to review and answer.