
Your Replies

  • June 11, 2016 at 11:55 pm

    The clap on, clap off device sounds good for turning on the lights! Thank you for your suggestion. I also researched alternatives for turning the TV on/off (for my class assignment case study), and there’s a device that allows you to use voice command to control the TV. I was wondering what your preference would be in this situation– would you prefer voice activation or a more physical method of turning the TV on and off, such as an adapted TV remote that you could use with your hand? Thanks! Julie

    June 11, 2016 at 11:43 pm

    Thank you for the helpful links! I will definitely take a look at all of them. And thank you for the support, we will definitely go out there and strive to make a difference! I hope the best for you too.

    June 10, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    Your typing skills are looking good, so keep up the good work! 🙂 What device or tool do you feel was the most helpful for you? I just have one more question. For my class assignment, we were assigned to a case: a 35 year old with GBS and weak individual finger movement. He wants to be able to watch TV and movies as well as turn on the lights in his room. What devices would you recommend to him? I was thinking of recommending a direct access using a switch (like a button connected to the remote that would make it easier for him to press). Do you think that would work? Thank you again for everything, I really appreciate your help!

    June 8, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Thank you Angela. Your detailed response helps me connect the assistive technology tools that I learned in class to a real situation. If you don’t mind answering, when did you develop GBS? And did/do you use any electronic devices to help make things easier for you? I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me, thank you again!