I am 62 years old and diagnosed with CIDP 3 years ago, before that I had back surgery thinking that my problem was back related. I do take IVIG and it seems to help but not dramatically, my left leg calf is in Atrophy 1 inch smaller than my right and I have cramps all the time in both calfs and legs. I walk with a heavy limp from my left leg, and I do have braces I wear in airports that help alot. I do have fatigue and I continue to hope I can somehow slow down and beat CIDP, however I am not sure how much axonal nerve damage I have. I am moving to Boynton Beach FL on October 22nd and hope to get in a Foundation Group meeting there and find out what others have been going thru and connect with local Neurologist and PT in the area. I have only talked to one person so far and that was Harriet Lion and she was wonderful and full of news and ideas. I am open to discussions with other CIDP folks and hope to attend meetings whenever you have them. Thank you Gary Hendershott
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