
Your Replies

  • April 4, 2017 at 11:49 am

    I, will give a recommendation, for DR Tabby.

    DR David Tabby, DO
    Optimum Neurology
    301 City Avenue, Phila PA, 19004
    610 664 2584

    I an just finished my first course if IVIG. Other than the severe Rash I got on the last infusions it went rather well.
    They pre-treated with a steroid’s, in an attempt to limit the effects of the Rash. It was better for me, with the pre-treatment. as far as the Rash is concerned. I have had improvement’s in my hands and arms. My feet, the worse of the offenders. Is having less results. But I’m hopping for the best!

    January 19, 2017 at 2:12 pm

    Aetna denied both my, 1st and 2nd requests for IVIG. There was a 3 week wait after each appeals submission. I found out on my 2nd appeal, further testing was needed to rule out other CIDP variants. So I needed another test taken. So with a negative “Anti-Mag” result included this 3rd appeal was sent out.

    2 weeks later SUCCESS! I got my long awaited Phone Call from Bio-Tech Infusion Therapy. To set up my Infusion Plan Calendar.

    January 16, 2017 at 9:21 am

    I am presently on 75Mg of Tramadol, 2 x a day. 600mg neurotin, 3x a day. I have found, Skate Boarding slip-on’s with a padded Spen-Co Insole. A God-Send.

    This is after trying dozens of other medications, and gimmicky items,cremes,socks, Ect. I am awaiting for my IVIG to get approved. I am 60+ yrs old and this had problem has put me down. I had to leave my 30+ year Generator Technician, Job. I have gone un-diagnosed for 5 yrs prior, Even though seeing My regular MD, A Neurologist and a Foot doctor. Several times a year. I had every Test,MRI,Xray,Ultrasound,EMG,Epidural. Was told it was un-explained Nerve Neuroapathy.

    Hang in there. For me the Skateboard shoes And Nucyta (which I believe is a brand of Tramadol) and Neurotin, have allowed me to start a swimming routine at the YMCA, that and a & bicycle exercise routine of 3 miles a day. This caused me too, me loose 30 lbs. I was getting excruciating leg cramps and foot throbbing foot pain at night, every night. Cramping now happens only on occasion, and rarely. And when it does it is much less painful cramping, for less time. The throbbing is controllable now with the Nucynta & Neurotin combination.

    Don’t get discouraged. Weight loss and exercise helped me, along with the Shoes. Combined, with the exercise, these have worked wonders for me personally.

    The Skate Board shoes and Spen-Co Insoles I got on They have allowed me to get active again. This, and finding out I have CIPD and am not going NutZ. Has also helped changed my life for the better. I have had Extreme nerve pain in my feet. The numbness moved up my shins, and up to my knees. Then it slowly progressed into my fingers & thumb. My insurance, Aetna is dragging their feet, but It looks like I will prevail, with getting approved for IVIG.

    If you cant find what Shoes I am referring too, I can provide links to the products I have used, if that is allowable on the Site. If not contact, me by Email and I will show you what shoes I use.

    December 30, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Just diagnosed (12/2016)

    Is there anybody getting IVIG, with an Aetna. I have the “top of the line” coverage HSA.
    I feel, Aetna is wasting my valuable time.

    I have just been denied IVIG, Depressed about Suffering through yet another Pennsylvania Winter. My hands and feet ache when cold. I am in the currently in the appeals phase with Aetna. My doctor and myself are both disputing the treatment rejection.

    I have gone misdiagnosed for over 5 years so, I am in pretty bad shape. My hands nerves are just in the beginning stages of demyelination. Both my feet are a lost cause, have the feeling of duct tape on my shins, and good deal of mussel weakness in both legs.

    My fear is largely that the same thing is happening to my hands. I have buzzing and numbness in my thumb and fingers. It is mild in comparison to my pretty much useless feet and legs.

    Is there anybody getting IVIG, with an Aetna. I have the “top of the line” coverage HSA.
    I feel, Aetna is wasting my valuable time.

    The cold is making my situation unbearable. 1200mg Gabapentin 3x and 75mg of Nucynta. I have been out of work since July 2015.

    Any help with getting Aetna to play nice would be greatly appreciated. I am seeing a new Neurologist. His Name is DR David Tabby DO, of Optimum Neurology. Dr Tabby is convinced I have CIPD, It is the my insurance carrier, holding things up at this point.

    Any help would be deeply appreciated.